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Everything posted by Nigeth

  1. As it stands a capsule won't survive a 6.5 km/s reentry on Kerbin, regardless of angle of entry (I've accidentally had to try this with a craft that was on a return trajectory from Jool). Capsule will explode due to overheating. So I seriously doubt that it would survive a similar re-entry on Eve with its denser atmosphere. The fact that this is exactly what Squad claimed you should be able to do (" a 6.5 km/s direct re-entry to Eve's atmosphere is barely survivable") just makes this more that more annoying. It's one thing to say that this won't work because it's too far from reality anyway and another to claim that it will work even though it doesn't.
  2. The update has completely ruined my 200+ hour career save. After trying - unsuccessfully - to salvage my save for the last three days I've now given up and resigned myself to that save being lost forever. Since I'm on steam and it auto-updated I can't revert to 1.0.2. Quite frankly I can't see myself continuing to play this game from this point on forward. I've expected Squad to do extensive bugfixing for 1.0.3. Especially since they stated time and time again that 1.0.3 was delayed due to the testing effort done by the test team. Instead what we got was a half baked new heating system that doesn't work and leads to stuff exploding even while sitting on the launchpad. We also got lots and lots of new bugs, while some of the pre 1.0 bugs are still in the game. That the update also breaks existing save files is just the icing on the cake. You should never ever release an extensive overhaul of existing systems on a "dot" update. Doesn't matter how much the community whines, complains and begs. Especially if you are a small developer and don't have the resources to hire a 200+ people testing team. Push it to 1.1. offer a closed and/or open beta. let the modders and the community help you find and solve your bugs. Then release it. As it stands we'll probably need a version 1.0.5 and 1.0.6 or even more versions until the new heating system works entirely. This means that fixing pre-existing bugs and issues will likely be postponed even further (if they are fixed at all). That is if we're lucky and there's no new addition to the game that strikes the fancy of one of the devs and makes them abandon fixing critical bugs for implementing a half-baked heating system upgrade and a handful of poorly done radiators. I'm not looking forward to all the new and interesting kinds of bugs that'll never get fixed once they switch to Unity 5. I have no words for how Squad handles maintenance of the core game except to say that they've done poorly over the last few months. I can't see myself continuing to play a game that breaks core gameplay and existing saves with what - by all intents and purposes - should have been a maintenance release and doesn't even put the time and effort in to make sure things work. Squad in the future if you do something like this - announce it well beforehand for gamers to be able to prepare themselves - offer a closed beta program to modders prior to release so that modders can update their mods and make sure that their code doesn't break stuff further - in fact you should always have a beta access program for modders - offer beta access to players or MVPs to broaden the testing group. Let the community help you find and squash bugs - if the update breaks existing games give people notice or even better give people the ability to revert to previos stable releases. - - - Updated - - - Most importantly: Actually fix the issues people report to you. These forums are full of reports of "legacy" bugs that have been a part of the game since one beta version or another. Some people have already resigned themselves to the fact that some bugs will probably never get fixed. The fact that a "stock bugfix modules" mod exists is telling and should tell you that you're not doing your job actually maintaining your game. That a mod like "stock bugfix modules" exists should also tell you that people - including myself - love your game enough to put up with all of those issues and actually take fixing issues into their own hands. If your game weren't that great people wouldn't even care enough to bother fixing your stuff. Don't squander all of the passion and love for your game people have
  3. https://www.dropbox.com/sh/h5hbwow5dmgcyr5/AADQhQ72gdPeJypWJRZ-lyn-a?dl=0 KSP 1.0.4 steam version Maxcbook Pro 15'' (early 2013) Core i7 2.7 GHz 16 GB RAM Geforce GT650 M 1 GB VRAM Windows 8.1 Mods: KerbalEngineer Redux KW Rocketry Module Animate Emissive Procedural Fairings Scansat Copy the save folder "Nigeth" to KSP/saves Start the game Resume saved After the persistent save has been loaded hit "ESC" Load the "quicksave" You'll end up in orbit around Jool Hit "." to time warp You'll get the "cannot warp while under acceleration" message I get the message every time I load that particular save. I also included my output_log.txt
  4. I have a save where i can replicate it he "cannot warp..." error 100%. Tell me what info you need and how to provide it.
  5. I'm talking about the big dish antenna. I've already replied to another thread but just so that you see it here also: With 1.0.4 I see all kinds of phantom interactions between the game and my spacecrafts With mods installed (KW Rocketry, Scansat) and without (clean stock) It happens in all modes (career, science and sandbox) Even after I re-installed the game and made sure my physics config was current I run it on a 2013 MacBook Pro under Windows 8.1 (Geforce GT650 m 1 GB, 2.7 GHz Core i7 Processor 16 GB RAM) What happens: Every time the physics simulation gets activated the craft is subjected to phantom kinematic forces and phantom energy flux/energy flow, e.g. when changing from VAB or SPH to the launchpad or the runway, when changing from the tracking station to a vessel, when reverting to launch or when switching between vessels. This seems to be an issue during "wind-up" when the game switches from "physics-less" to physics mode. Kinematics: The craft is subjected to a short (nearly instant; < 1 second) burst of kinematic force. The burst is high and hard enough to make the g meter spike. This force spike applies enough energy to the vessel that it visibly and significantly changes velocity and/or direction. In space it will lead to a measurable change of orbit (apoapsis and periapsis values change). It's high enough to make vehicles flip over and high enough to exceed the kinematic limits of certain parts. - After "revert to launch" to the runway it sometimes leads to vessels flipping over or flipping sideways. - After "revert to launch" to the launchpad it sometimes leads to the rocket - including the launch clamps (!) - to turn sideways. This usually means that vessel and launch clamps end up tilted 45° from normal. - In flight or in orbit it can lead to stuff breaking off. Especially parts that have a low threshold for breaking like solar panels, parachutes or decouplers. - Sometimes just rotating or turning a vessel via the reaction control systems is enough to break parts off. (I rotated one vessel with 'Q' and 'E' and my two main Gigantor solar panels snapped off) - When switching to a vessel the forces involved will lead to a sudden change in direction and/or speed and will also sometimes lead to stuff breaking off. I have two vessels - one landed on Eve and another splashed down on Laithe where the solar panels will fall off every time I switch to them and the physics simulation "winds up". I've lost parts in flight (atmospheric sensor inside a service bay for example) without it noticing because of that. Currently I have two identical vessels (same .craft file) with one missing an atmospheric sensor due to this issue. Sometimes when I switch to a vessel it just breaks apart mid flight even without any control input. With 1.0.4 the same happens for energy flow. The craft is subjected to a short (nearly instant; < 1 second) burst of heat. The burst is high and hard enough to make overheat indicators appear all over the vessel - even on parts with a high temperature threshold (I've seen it appear on parts that can sustain 2000° C). This seems to be an issue during "wind-up" when the game switches from "physics-less" to physics mode. So it can happen in the same situations as the other issue. - Sometimes when switching to a vessel it is subjected to a spike in temperature. This will make overheat indicators show up on all parts (haven't checked if it's really all parts but it's definitely a lot of indicators so it's safe to assume all). - Parts with a low temperature threshold will explode (batteries, science equipment etc.) usually taking the whole vessel with them. - Sometimes this only happens to a single part. - This also happens to parts occluded and shielded by other parts. (Parts inside service bays for example) Deleting the physics.cfg has made the temperatuire problem appear a lot less often but has not affected the phantom force problem Re-Installing the game has not solved the problem The problems appear with or without mods Module manager seems to make the phantom heating problem appear more often though. As soon as I install a mod that requires this things get more explodey.
  6. After updating to 1.0.4 the tech tree in my career mode game has vanished. When I switch to the Science Center the UI display is empty. No nodes are shown and I can't select anything. Windows 8.1 KSP 1.0.4 Steam
  7. Re-downloaded the game after deleting the game folder.Even on a new save the game has all kinds of weird glitches. (Note: everything I report only started happening in 1.0.3/1.0.4) Radially attached devices like solar panels or antennae now sometimes give an "cannot activate while stowed" error if you have a cargo or service bay anywhere else on your ship. If you have two or more that are symmetrically attached it's usually only one that gives the error. The game sometimes doesn't let me warp, instead giving me the "cannot warp while under acceleration" message. Happens at 0% thrust and even when engines are off. Antennas sometimes get stuck while sending science (won't fold up again). Stopping transmission won't work (still stuck) and once you go to the space center and back the antenna gets unstuck but the transmitted science is lost. I now regulalrly manage to break stuff just by rotating my craft in space I for example had two Gigantor solar panels snap clean off by rotating my spacecraft. Once when I tried to send some science back my whole service bay and all batteries exploded. Stuff still sometimes randomly explodes. Temp is nominal for all of the flight then suddenly overheat markers appear on all parts of the craft and it explodes.Temperature overlay (F11) shows nothing unusual. Takes just two or three seconds from everything is fine and dandy to stuff goes boom. There seems to be a glitch in reentry heating calculations. If you come in hot you'll sometimes explode the instant you hit the atmosphere (e.g. counter switches from 70,000 to 69,999 on Kerbin re-entry and boom). Doesn't matter how long you are in the atmosphere either, I had this happen once with an periapsis of about 69,600 meters over Kerbin (I was going 7 km/s but still hitting the atmosphere for less than 2 s should be survivable at that speed and atmospheric density). Game doesn't even have the time to show overheat markers as it only takes an 'instant' (less than one second) to happen. There are all kinds of weird phantom forces that hit your craft once physics winds up (VAB or SPH to launch, tracking station to craft) or the physics context switches (e.g. from orbit to atmosphere). Switching from tracking station to a craft will make it "yank" around. Sometimes the force exerted is high enough to significantly change your orbit or to break stuff. I have a landed craft where the solar panels will fall of if I switch to it, just from the force the physics model exerts on it during "wind-up". I several times had a force that was so high and sudden that after "revert to launch" my whole craft including the launch clamps yanked sideways and ended up at an angle of 45°. Once a craft even broke apart while in orbital transit when I switched to it from the tracking station. Right now the game is unplayable for me because I don't know what random physics glitch will kill my craft next. I don't even dare to switch to my orbital station because every time random stuff blows up or breaks off. 1.0.2 was fine by comparison. I haven't built a new craft yet (only worked with ships created in 1.0.2) but it seems that all of the crafts built before 1.0.3 are borked. Somehow the game seems to be confused about which parts are attached to which other parts and then screws up the physics calculations. This seems to affect the new convection, conduction and shock heating models the most but all physics calculations are affected. What seems to be the case is that most physics issues seem to come from 'instant' changes in force or flux vectors. THis looks to me like a calculation or rounding error in the models (value approaches 'infinity'). Squad really shouldn't have shipped such a huge change on a 'dot' update.
  8. I've deleted the game and re-downloaded it. I had to install two mods (KW Rocketry and Scansat) because otherwise my crafts wouldn't work. Ships don't explode anymore but the physics is still a bit wonky. (antennas get stuck, I broke off my gigantor solar panel while rotating the craft, there are weird phantom forces whenever I switch to a craft in flight etc)
  9. Had to register just to vent. The update to 1.0.4 has just ruined my 200+ hour career mode save. Basically everything I ever built explodes as soon as I switch to it due to the new heating system. Within seconds overheating indicators will show up on almost every part and then everything just explodes. Since I can't attach heatsinks to ships that are already in planetary orbit or in transit (even if I had KAS/KIS I'd never get to do it in time) I've lost basically all of my ships and probes, my space stations and months of gameplay. Also since I bought the game on steam I can't revert back to version 1.0.2 which means that everything I achieved over the last two months is now irrevocably lost.
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