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Posts posted by jkortech

  1. 18 minutes ago, MaxRebo said:

    Whoa, I actually didn't know of those... well since I'm not in a position to actually become a maintainer, I'm pretty much with you on phasing this out in favor of similar mods that fit the same bill.

    I'm still determined to get this working in 1.2 though, if just for the educational experience. The scenario is indeed created using KSPScenario, so that mainly leaves the instantiation business to take care of. I'll go with the "better instantiation" approach then, and maybe you'll accept one last PR for BROKE when I'm done?

    If magico doesn't want to accept the PR, I will. I'm the other maintainer for BROKE but I've been crazy busy with school and other projects for KSP work. It'd be great if we could get it working in 1.2!

  2. 1 hour ago, Diazo said:

    From the Changelog thread:

    Does this mean I no longer have to create data storage partModules and can now use this?

    For example:


    public class TestVesselModule : VesselModule
    [KSPField(isPersistant = true, guiActive = false, guiActiveEditor = false)]
    public float test = 0;
    public void OnStart()
    public void OnDisable()
    test = 10;

    When I launch a new vessel and so this code runs the first time, this will print a value of zero to the log. Then when I return to the space center and return to the vessel, the value of "test" persists and a value of ten gets printed to the log correct?

    No additional steps (so no ModuleManager script as VesselModule gets automatically added) are required right?


    That's what it looks like! I'm really looking forward to using this myself. (Will make updating ShipSections to work in flight mode a little easier).

  3. If you had read the first few pages of the principia thread you would have seen that eggrobin does distribution the way he does because he wants to focus on the physics he is implementing and not have his dev thread turn into something like FARs thread where there's tons of people who don't understand what the new physics are and bugging eggrobin about it.

  4. 26 minutes ago, KasperVld said:

    With all due respect, I'm aware that a part of the community has opposed and still opposes Curse. There's really nothing I can say or do to convince you otherwise but more importantly this topic is not the place to discuss it. If you wish to discuss the Curse network then please open a topic for that :)

    One thing that Squad could do that would be a big step would be having one of the Get Mods links go to a page that has Curse and SpacePort mentioned. You could phrase it like "Curse, the official mod repository" and "SpacePort, the community run mod repository". Just having info on both for new players easily accessible would fix the visibility issue that people complain about and Curse would stay the official repository. Any thoughts?

  5. 14 minutes ago, ShadyAct said:

    Thank you. How would someone go about recompiling a plugin for a newer version of KSP? Should the references for UnityEngine and other dll's point to what's in the game folder? (Of that newer KSP version)

    Yep. Just point the references to the versions in the new game folder and compile. Stuff might (and for 1.1 will without question) break in some way and require updated code, so make sure you do some testing before updating the release.

  6. @SirSalami: does Nexus have an API that an uploader program could hook into? In working on a Visual Studio extension for KSP and one of the features is going to be setting up mod releases on GitHub and SpaceDock. I'd love to make it available for Nexus as well.

  7. 24 minutes ago, RoverDude said:

    The problem with that is the same problem that CKAN has, which is polling cycle.  No biggie if it's an option (and by default off of course), but personally I prefer a push API - a lot easier that way, and updates are instantaneous.  And since I assume SpaceDock is going to reuse the KS one, that's a solved problem.

    GitHub has webhooks for release publishing.  SpaceDock could hook into that to pull updated releases over.

  8. 14 minutes ago, legoclone09 said:

    Why not call it Kerbal Space Dock? I like that more, and the domain is not taken under .com.

    By not using Kerbal in the name they avoid one of the original issues that KerbalStuff had, getting sued for trademark infringement.  This would be a problem since it isn't official and the trademark is registered.

  9. 3 minutes ago, JeffreyCor said:

    It seems the update to MKS-Lite / UKS broke BROKE. After the update to MKS-Lite all kinds of sadness happened such as not being able to exit the research center. After sifting though one at a time I finally found the having either MKS-Lite or UKS (installed it for testing after finding the problem with MKS-Lite) and BROKE in at the same time resulted in the problem.

    Can you post a log file?  It'll make it a lot easier to figure out what happened.

  10. On ‎11‎/‎4‎/‎2015 at 4:14 PM, 5thHorseman said:

    Also, do (or can) the names of the sections carry over into flight? It'd be cool do undock my lander from my mothership and have the two ships actually be named what I want, instead of the game picking one at random and calling it the lander.

    An auto-renaming feature is coming built-in to the next version of ShipSections.  Currently, the name will be based off the original name of the vessel with the section name appended to it. Does that sound good?

  11. On ‎2‎/‎7‎/‎2016 at 7:59 PM, Renaissance0321 said:

    Hi fellow Kerbinauts, I'm looking for a career mod which changes the way we receive funding. I find the contract system a little too restrictive but I want to have to deal with a budget. Any suggestions? Thanks!

    I'm working on BROKE, which is a WIP funding framework that currently has payroll and government funding implemented. The link is in my sig.

  12. Just now, magico13 said:

    Sounds good. FMs should generally be their own dlls anyway for that reason (and to make them easy/safe to uninstall), though since no code in the file would be called without BROKE installed it actually shouldn't cause any issues if it were added to the main dll.

    Actually, because it is implementing the interface on a type it actually causes the dll to fail to load correctly (with a TypeInitializationException) if BROKE isn't installed (or if it is loaded before BROKE loads).  I ran into that problem when working on the payroll updates.  This commit shows what I had to add to fix the problem.

  13. 16 hours ago, NathanKell said:

    @magico13 the discussion over on the other thread reminded me about this. One FM I'd love to see--and I think I may have mentioned this before on KCT's repo? Can't recall--is an upkeep cost based on the number of KCT upgrade points invested. That's because RP-0 effectively treats the point total as your space program workforce, and workers gotta be paid. That might, however, also require an ability in KCT to remove upgrade point. :) Same with a general facility-tier based upkeep system.

    I was thinking of the same type of thing.  I'm all up for adding this, but since KCT is all @magico13 and he works on this mod as well, I want his feedback before I code it.

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