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Everything posted by Alphasus

  1. So, how does setup work? I hyperedit the ships into orbits around pol at different altitudes? Also, you can have first turn. EDIT: KSP crashes when my computer is running above a certain temperature on startup. I will need some extra time to setup.
  2. Me too, my ships use ions as an interplanetary method. The nukes are for maneuver. Hopefully my ships will be somewhat useful...
  3. True, but no information further. TUBM like chocolate.
  4. True, sour patch kids are great! The user below me uses google chrome as a main browser
  5. Oh, yeah. All my ships were built after that, and so they don't have the issue. When that problem exists, how do you fix it? Is the internal structure torn out and replaced, or what?
  6. I will battle with you at 160 tons and use 4 of these ships. A.E.S. Nouveau [TABLE=class: grid, width: 500] [TR] [TD]Name[/TD] [TD]Nouveau-class Destroyer[/TD] [/TR] [TR] [TD]Delta-V[/TD] [TD]11,000 M/S[/TD] [/TR] [TR] [TD]Parts[/TD] [TD]177[/TD] [/TR] [TR] [TD]Propulsion[/TD] [TD]2x LV-N NERV Atomic Rocket Motor,6x IX-6315 "Dawn" Electric Propulsion System[/TD] [/TR] [TR] [TD]Armament[/TD] [TD]2x RT-5 Flea Guided SRB Missiles, 2x High Velocity I Beam Separatron Missiles[/TD] [/TR] [TR] [TD]Armor[/TD] [TD]Class 3:(80 m/s core and plating, with some being less)[/TD] [/TR] [/TABLE]
  7. Ok, is anyone new here who would be able to battle me.
  8. I did my testing with 18 fighter launched missiles that are still i beam, but have insane speed just below clipping.
  9. too modded, I see B9 on that... - - - Updated - - - Ok, we are in an age of inceredible weapons. I just defeated 4 layered armor on a 170t ship with fighter caliber .625 m missiles....I wonder how the Rebisco will take it
  10. Ahh, I could add some long range cannon shots onto that tank. My HVAP shots are good up to 3 km, but need to be aimed well. I could send u a trial version.
  11. Mine uses BDARMORY , near future technologies( that whole set) and mechjeb.
  12. I see many mods there... Do you want to see my good AES Gryphon modded?
  13. I have a working HVAP shell and anti tank gun!!!! http://imgur.com/a/UGyEG
  14. Ok... Also, I think a ruleset could be constructed. It would have to limit phasing, first of all. Let me try my hand at this... but later.
  15. Ok hold on. First of all my screenshot button lags so I don't get a picture quickly or easily, and I need to get to my computer.
  16. Ok, first test: whack a kerbal: Rebisco Kleine Engel: .625 m torp no damage .625 m torp vs rebisco: no damage 1.25 m missile vs rebisco: upper armor ripped off, and more ripped armor Time for a new ship!!!
  17. How many parts are the first and second ships?
  18. Hey guys, can i do a few battles?This is one of my ships:Ok, the Kleine Engel-class Heavy Cruiser: at 848 parts and with 6 modular docking systems allowing fighters or anything dock-able on board. The ship comes installed with extra delta-v systems using 4 ion engines per range extension pod. The ship also weighs 169 tons with weaponry. Speaking of weapons, it has 2 1.25 m SRB missiles, 2 1.25 m liquid fuel guided missiles, 6 .625 m liquid fueled anti fighter missiles(w/ RCS systems) and 2 I-beam separatron missiles with RCS that can be used against small capital ships. With her 6 ion drop pods, she has 4,603 m/s of delta v, enough to reach Laythe orbit and back with careful maneuvers. She carries 4 crew in her top, armored lander cans. Also, the sides of the hull have quad layered armor without the attached missile launchers. Here are some pics of this beast!(does not come with launcher) In the SPH Above Kerbin From the rear Burning above Kerbin with solar panels and ions on From the lander can Enjoy!!! /QUOTE]
  19. Do you have BDArmory, if so, my fighter and yours can duel.The x-41 fighter variant found on the zokesia skunkworks page 235 vs your t95
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