What he has been saying is, a game with such horrible optimization does not deserve a pc specifically built for it. Graphics processing power? It's not a limiting factor. CPU? It will use only one core. RAM? It's 32 bit.
Something you've recently done broke the 64bit version, I'm not getting the skybox, but planets work fine. The one I downloaded 10 days ago works fine. pls fix thank Screenshots, because why not? http://imgur.com/6xv6iv3,wVvkULU
Tits! I didn't expect to see a thread like this here. And I definitely didn't expect my first post to be actually related to my name. Also do you have any tips on how to get nice photos like yours? I can't find them and even when I can, I seem to scare them off before being able to get close enough. This is the best I could do. [spoiler=]