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Everything posted by StacheBelt

  1. You could. It has enough room in the back to put a jet engine or two depending on how much you want to part clip. It's not unflippable but it has enough reaction wheels and a landing leg inside of it to flip itself back over when it's completely flat on its roof. It hasn't failed me yet.
  2. Frank_G, here is a link to the original. https://mobile.twitter.com/kerbalspacep/status/611375338866642944
  3. The drills deploy once the cargo hold is open. You can see it in the first picture.
  4. Are you tired of having your mining operation next to your base? I know I was. Why should we be limited to having our bases near ore? Well my friends, those scenarios are no longer a problem. Now you can build your bases on mountains, the ocean, or just hanging in the middle of the sky without being limited by the presence of ore! Once we decided to just slam all that silly mining stuff up into a plane, a whole new world opened up for potential base locations. "This is the single greatest idea ever green lit by the Kerbal engineers" -Bill Kerman probably This fully fueled and ore'd 100 ton behemoth provides long range stable flight and the ability to convert ore into fuel or just carry ore back home. It also has a large cargo bay which allows you to add lights to the inside, making it pretty with various colors. It also comes equipped with a Mk3 to Mk2 adapter with fuel and a mainsail on that badboy, to allow for shorter take off during instances of runway scarcity. 6 large fuel cells and 8 large solar panels allow for maximum power generation to allow you to run drills and the ISRU converter simultaneously. Just be sure to land facing east or west to let your panels follow Kerbol all day. A few eagle eye'd users might notice the location of the Narrow Band Scanner. Keep in mind to not have it active as you deploy your drills as it could make your flight suddenly "interesting" by Firefly standards. Finally you can build that aircraft carrier for your ocean base so that you can land your brand new mining plane on it! And they said you were crazy for building a base on the Sagen Sea.... craft file here
  5. I have made a replica! Thank you MilkChocolate for the awesome rover design that I was able to replicate. Nothing can compare to this 6 and a half ton superb component of Kerbal engineering. Lights! Comms! Superfluous External Fuel Ducts! Even the most imaginative Kerbals could not ask for more! Legend has it was constructed in the belly of the infamous Kraken. Upon completion of this rugged hunk of audacious lion on wheels, Jebediah Kerman himself drove it straight up the esophagus of the beast while not looking at any of the inevitable Kerbal-esque explosions erupting spontaneously behind him. He then punched the Kraken directly in the short tentacle with enough force to cause it to combust and put him and his rover on an escape trajectory out of the Kerbol system. By sheer will power alone he got back on an intersect with Kerbin. He crash landed and ended up upside down. Not being bothered by this minor inconvenience, Jeb used the 5 internal small reaction wheels and landing leg together to right his craft and return home. It is mostly a replica of the basic design of MilkChocolate's original rover. This does not have Xenon or Ion drives. Many of my pieces are in different spots and I don't suspect that he clipped a large landing leg in his to help flip it back over when you end up upside down. Mine has 4 fuel cells, two for looking cool on the hood and two in protected spots in the back, it has two of the smallest fuel tanks, 4 seats, all of the resettable science experiments and two attachment points on the bottom (3 if you remove the intake from the rover body). Some parts are clipped for aesthetics and functionality. It looks pretty rugged, can scale mountains and keeps your Kerbals safe in the event of RUD. http://kerbalx.com/StacheBelt/SUV.craft
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