After a long research, our scientists have discovered a new method of delivering kerbonaut to orbit. It\'s a little outside the rules of this challenge, but I made ??the rules, so I can change them. =P After a successful mission of Bill and Jeb, Bob get them back home. But he left with a feeling that his role in the mission was too small. So he began to plan another test, where his role would be more significant. And he started to study physics, especially Kewton\'s third law, which sounds like: 'Don\'t stand under the rocket engine!' Therefore, Bob has developed The Gravitation Research Center. After some researches he decided to make an early report of the mission Bob took the position and waits for a signal from Bill Bill and Jeb cut off the flow of the main engine and turn on test engines. Jump... ...and takeoff! And it is not even a maximum throttle After a couple of tries and some corrections, Bob get to circular orbit With almost full tank of fuel left!