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Everything posted by jonhwoods

  1. Sunclover: I can confirm that surface attachment is broken. I even tried to edit the cfg to make it work, but it seems to be an issue of radial decoupler vs stack decoupler, making it impossible to decouple when attached to a surface even then. I can also confirm that buoys are floating when not deployed.
  2. Just registered on the forums because I like this mod very much About the survivability of the new DERP lifeboat design with wings: I've spent the last few hour test piloting it with stock aerodynamics in 1.04. The craft can survive no problem by landing in water or on ground. On ground, you need the "Kickstand" stick pointed at the ground. Wings can slow you down to 50-70 m/s and the craft will only explode with impacts over 80 m/s. It's a bit tricky, but with practice it's no harder then doing a gravity turn. I don't know how it compares to the parachute design, this is the first time I try the mod. Also, you dont need mobile wings for control surfaces, reaction wheels do the job. About balance of the DERP lifeboat: -What is 200kg of ablator for on a 450kg craft? With current temperature tolerances, the craft doesn't need any. Even when you enter atmosphere facing retrograde (to properly use the ablator) it still only uses a very small fraction of it. I think 450 kg is a good weight for this module, about half as heavy as Mk1+Chute, but harder to use and cannot be the principal astronaut module, however 250 kg sounds very light. I guess right now it allows users to customize the weight without going it config files, but it's open to abuse, especially when the craft is that good at entering the atmosphere are any speed. Temperature resistance at 3400 might be lowered to 2400-2800, similar to other parts. -The Propulsion Module seems a bit useless. I guess it's good at getting away from a crashing craft, but that's rarely needed. With only 50 m/s of delta v it can't help you from anywhere but very low Kerbin orbit. I prefer to use stock very small tanks and engine to get about 1000 m/s of delta v, which can save you from a lunar orbit or something like that. Also, it seems the engine isn't made to use in atmosphere (too heavy to stabilize) and that you should detach it before then, that got me confused a bit. -Floating devices all weight 150 kg for all sizes, which is odd and heavy. 150, 100 and 50 would make more sense. -Airbags are really nice on Kerbin, but don't work very well on Mun, I'm not sure why. Are they intended to replace parachutes? Also, I heard it was intended at some point that resetting them needed Engi and some Mono-Prop, has that been scrapped? Also, saves in DERP are bugged (freeze on load) and it seems I cannot detach airbags without control groups. That might be due to 1.04
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