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Everything posted by Dreinakh

  1. The author in the new version very strongly reworked engine parts. Therefore, he decided to softly stop supporting old parts - they are available on flying crafts and saved builds, but are not available in the builder list. They can be returned through the modification of * .cfg files or the installation of an earlier version of the mod.
  2. Now I understand. Thank you for such a quick and accurate answer
  3. @Nertea I used new parts from a freshly installed mod. Archive downloaded from Github. Game version 1.9.1 from Steam.
  4. Where should I put the "NearFutureMethalox" folder? Standard location in "Gamedata" does not work for new version :(
  5. / * WARNING! My native language is Ukrainian, so in this text possible variety mistakes and strange phrases. * / Initially, I used a method similar to that suggested by kemde, but since I play games released by Valve (they respond to the option "override application settings" turning black screen), so I had to find a way through the "Application Profiles". Create a new rule http://i59.tinypic.com/2rqdeg0.jpg Enter name of the process that will be intercepted by the driver http://i57.tinypic.com/2remzcg.jpg Create a profile for the rule http://i60.tinypic.com/nlyey1.jpg Add setting "GLFSAAMode" http://i62.tinypic.com/2ivh1y.jpg And now a little non-obvious - variable is automatically replaced by a type if it is assigned the value of a different type. The value is chosen from the observation of a change in the configuration file /home/* your user */.nvidia-settings-rc http://i58.tinypic.com/htsg2v.jpg http://i61.tinypic.com/213gil5.jpg http://i59.tinypic.com/66kbgw.jpg It remains only to update the rule, and save your changes. At the exit I got 4x msaa which does not affect other applications. http://i62.tinypic.com/34imgq1.jpg P.s. Perhaps promptly inserted a lot of screenshots, but detailed
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