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Everything posted by dvdwilliams88

  1. Oh yes that is so cool to have an interior. Are you going to have the small rover for the rtg on this one?
  2. yeah i dont know how to fix or rebuild the wheels or landing gear. but i am going to take a stab at readgusting the colision meshes on some parts and the attachment points. however the mod does run in 1.8
  3. i am working to repair the attachment problems right now for you. will post the fixed mod asap. o.k i was able to fix the attachment problems but cant figure out how to get the wheels rolling or not go through the ground. so I will do more testing and repair of the other parts as i find problems.
  4. i know that the lander tek mod is still a work in progress but just letting you know that the lights are not working on the lander parts. also the rovers wont move and the wheels just sink into the ground. the demv vehicle attachment on the top for fuel or battery does not work.
  5. i did find another mod that looks like it might be abandoned and it was not finnished but it looks similar to the H.O.M.E. mod, actualy it looks realy nice. is is called the Konquest mod. by alexustas. the one who made the aset mods. he may allow you to work on compleating that mod and i would be glad to help. here is the page with the info for that one. i realise that the mods im looking at are realy old but i beleve they can be updated to 1.8 or above. the design and graphics are realy nicely done. it wold be a waste to see all that work for nothing, when so many kerbals would enjoy them. Also just tell me what you need help with and send me the files, I will do what i can.
  6. I have spent the last 4 hours looking on line and in my old disks for a copy of it, but no luck. the only person who might have it may be the author himself. he is now working for squad.
  7. Just atarted looking at some of the parts and was wondering if you are planning on adding the old H.O.M.E. mod that was made by roverdude.
  8. Wow, it is great to see you getting back to work on this again. looking forward to adding it to my collection. if you need any help again then just ask.
  9. O.K. I honestly did not know that about the sand bags. Im glad that you told me. I realy enjoy your mods and am looking forward to this addition. I am also working on building a new computer system. I will be custom panting the case in the next few days.
  10. looks realy nice, a lot better than the one i made using a ton of mods. if you need any help with it just let me know. also i think that the "sand bags" are actualy supplies of some sort for the crew eather for exterrnal or internal use. and i think that it should have rcs thrusters for the hull used for tethered rotation and for landing adgustments.
  11. just finished my hab to go with it and wold love to test it for you in a full mission. does it work with snacks and USI life support?
  12. A near perfect hab for this is the LK - S3E "Duna Class" Heavy Habitat found in the SXT continued mod found on the spacedock mod site. the part is located under the utility tab. all it needs is landing gear, engines and fuel parachutes and a heat shield. then just do the tether thing and off to duna you go.
  13. Looks awsome. wanted this for so long. tried making simmilar with other mods but not good. use to have a mod with folding heat shields like yours but cant find it now..
  14. I am running ksp 1.0.4 linux 64 bit edition with almost 100 mods and no real problems. I just switched from windows 7 ultimate to Zorn a linux os that looks like windows but runs ksp 64 bit edition with no problems. it is free and easy to set up for dual boot. try it.
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