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    Rocket Scientist

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  1. This looks like an interesting addition to KSP. I'll follow this and see if it really grows, as it has a lot of potential!
  2. I think that most people who play KSP never go interplanetary because, A: There is no reason to, because you can unlock the whole tech tree by getting science from all the biomes of the Mun. B: It is extremely difficult to plot a course in interplanetary space, while it is easy to just fire at the mun and hit it. C: There is little to no reward for going to any of the other planets, as they have dull textures ans minimal science.
  3. I tried to send a voyager-like probe to Jupiter and missed and hit Neptune. RSS can be a real pain in the bum.
  4. Can you make this compatible with RSS, i.e Tilted at the correct angle?
  5. I have Similar mods, and TweakScale is the only one that I think could be causing the issue. I have had this happen multiple times during takeoff, and even when orbiting something. I switched to a probe around Gilly, started moving, and all of a sudden, it just flew away. This only seems to happen with craft that tend to have lots of TweakScale adjustments.
  6. My highest count is 472 I had Kerbal Galaxy 2 and all of my near future mods were outdated. ModuleManager was also outdated
  7. My Kerbal Galaxy just simply wont load. I go to the space center view and its just stars. Nothing to select, and module manager says it applies 375 patches. Could I have some help?
  8. I reverted a quicksave way back farther than I wanted, losing tons of money and science in career mode. Fun stuff. I also built a lander capable of going to Moho. Going to use it soon.
  9. I would like the lighting to be changed, so that not only solar power efficiency goes down, but also the lighting, Just like pluto is very far away from the sun and in turn dim, Eeloo should also be fairly dim.
  10. Trying to get mods from curse is like trying to fly a ship to Eeloo and back. You can do it, It just takes a really long time, and a lot of effort. Trying to get mods from Kerbalstuff is like a walk in the park. How i will miss it...
  11. Forgot to add an action group? Now you have to open those solar panels by hand.
  12. A while back I downloaded this mod, and moved it to the GameData folder. It worked fine for a while, but after I took it out for a while and put it back in, all of the textures were missing. I took it out and re-installed it. Now it doesn't even work. Can I have some help?
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