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    Curious George
  1. Hi there, I truly enjoy career mode, and was more than glad to find this mod (Stage recovery). However, i'm facing quite a problem, since can't make it work. I would appreciate if anyone could help me. So, i do see the mod buttons (main screen, construction site, during the flight), but there's no recovery. What bothers me - there's no info about "destroyed" or "recovered" stages in the StageRecovery window during the flight. I have tried to launch vessels in different modes (Sandbox, Career, Science), with or without parachutes on different stages, tried to test it on different altitude and away from launch site, but the result is the same - nothing. All the tests were performed on clean KSP 1.0.4. The only installed mod is StageRecovery. It was installed using latest CKAN. Once again, I would be truly grateful for your help. Just in case - Windows 7, x64 Thanks
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