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    Bottle Rocketeer

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  1. Thanks for the replies, though the lower stats does make the Swivel and the Reliant engines pretty obsolete once the skipper is unlocked.
  2. I've been looking around and I couldn't find an answer to why the 1.25 meter engines have an all around lower TWR and Isp compared to 2.5 meter engines(, with the exception of the Nerv). Are bigger engines more efficient than multiple smaller ones in real life or is it just for balance?
  3. I'm not really looking forward for 1.25 or 2.5 meter ion engines until there's bigger RTGs in game. Right now, any ion propulsion past Duna orbit would take a huge amount of solar panels or a couple dozen RTGs.
  4. Back when I played the demo for KSP when .90 was out, I made a lot of mistakes the first hundred times. I though you could only stack one fuel tank on an engine, I had angled wings to stabilize the craft before I found SAS, I spammed SRBs to get out of the atmosphere as fast as possible and I believed struts where my only true friend. How the times have changed.
  5. Hi everyone, I'm just a regular player wanting to join the forums with about 380 hours under my belt. I've been lurking around the forums here for a while and I really wanted to vote on some of the threads here.
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