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Everything posted by CucumberMoose

  1. Omg, thank you soooo much!!!!, ive been waiting wat feels like ages 4 this!!! Thank you!!!! :D [COLOR=silver][SIZE=1]- - - Updated - - -[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  2. Never mind everyone, I fixed it If anyone else is having this issue its because you need to go into your GameData/ActiveTextureManagement/ActiveTextureManagementConfigs and remove the BoulderCo.cfg
  3. Well everyone, Ive had the Boulder Co cloud folder in my game folder since 1.0.4 and took it out because it was being buggy. Now its 1.0.5 I thought I would try it again and it still has the issue (no surprise). So I finally felt like asking all you fine Kerbalnaughts out there how to fix this; Whats happening is the clouds and/or atmosphere has small white flashing spots all over. (Unfortunately they are too similar to the clouds that pictures wont help.)
  4. You are defiantly right about not getting too slow, but I have found that since they added the supersonic flight mechanics to the engines, The R.A.P.I.E.R engine works a bit like a scram jet engine, terrible a subsonic speeds, but once it gets fast enough it works excellently, thats why ppl are having so much trouble, its just getting past subsonic speeds thats difficult.
  5. its Been a while since the lat update Valerian, 1.0.5 is out and Planet shine falling behind in 1.0.2 D: Can you update it please
  6. Thank you all, It help me a lot, it really did! I go on Ksp first time after reading your comments and First try/design, It Worked!!! And like a charm may I add! Not only did I get it into a stable orbit, using the R.A.P.I.E.R engine, using Mk 2 Plane pieces, using a cargo bay (it has a 2m cargo bay, which is awesome!!) and Stable, It got into space with quite a bit of fuel to spare!! Heres what it looks like; Its only a prototype in atm, just some wings, engine and fuel. But The way it performed, I highly believe it can handle any utilities, etc that I need to add. Thnx again everyone (if the image didn't show here is a link; http://imgur.com/nojp89H )
  7. Welcome to The Forums [h=2]CommanderSpork [/h]
  8. Welcome Aboard, may your Flights be explosive and your Kerbals Bad-ass
  9. Watch Scott Manley Tutorials on Youtube, Ive been watching him play ksp 4 about 2-3 years now, and his content is in-depth and enjoyable
  10. The R.A.P.I.E.R Engine, Worth using or not? I have made various SSTO [space Plane(s)] with the Rapier engine that have successfully gotten to orbit many times, but they are all tiny and almost completely useless, I want to make a WORKING SSTO preferably using Mk 2 plane parts, with a cargo bay at least ( and of course with the R.A.P.I.E.R engine(s) ). I have tried 5-7 times now and my best was 70% complete orbit at 80 000, Can anyone Help me Please!
  11. All who at least experienced modding in ksp 0.90 or sometime b4 well know that Romfarer made some awesome mods back in the day [Personal Favorite was the sunbeam one especially] There were simplistic, user- friendly and Stock-Friendly. but now all of his mods are out of date (since 1.0). I created this thread mainly to ask modders if they can get a hold of the/a mod(s) and update them/it please. It would be really appreciated otherwise, maybe you guys out there could share some fond memories of the mods romfarer gave us all.
  12. wait, does that mean 5 of your posts, or five posts on threads you've made ???
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