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Everything posted by escu

  1. No, USI Kolonization is in MKS subfolder of UmbraSpaceIndustries. If you have KIS/KAS, moving the Auger in an upper position is very easy: just equip an engineer with an electric screwdriver, move him near the auger, grab the auger (hold the G key and click on the auger) then place the auger just a little higher, hold X key and click to attach the auger in the new place).
  2. If you have EL and USI Kolonization, you will have both MetalOre and MetallicOre. In this case, EL adapts itself to use USI Kolonization resources and drills. So instead of MetalOre and RocketParts, you will have MetallicOre and ships are made with MaterialKits and SpecializedParts. Also, I had an issue with a drill (not auger but it may be the same thing) that was installed too low on the mining ship. It was exactly like in the pic, you could see only the drill body. Take an engineer equipped with an electric screwdriver and move the auger a bit higher.
  3. Yep, all my "units" are connected by either flexotubes or pipes (via KAS connectors). That is the funny part, I had the stakes placed already, but the original survey station (actually a Duna Pioneeer module from RoverDude's Kolonization) did not see them. I then landed the second Survey Station (the original one, from EL, looking like the Hitchhiker's Pod), connected it to the station via flexotubes and BAM! the stakes appeared as associated with the Pioneer survey station. ATM I am using it like this, it's working and I'm OK with the extra 3 parts in my base. The best part about the stakes is that I can build already in place so no moving is needed. And by using the coordinates system the new part is built exactly in the correct position. Here is my base now. Most big units were landed, most attachments, containers, drills, inflatable modules were build with EL and added after.
  4. My base is back in working order. I just landed the EL Survey Station and right after that the base started seeing the stakes again. Of course in the UI I have two pads appearing, and the stakes are associated with the original pad (called Minmus One in the screenshots).
  5. The gold domes are, like most of the other parts of the base, from USI Kolonization System (MKS/OKS). They just have the lights on, makes it easier to land ships near the base in the night As for the mods list, I have quite some: Right now, EL is 5.5.4, CKAN listing is wrong. All this setup worked perfect until that quicksave/reload. I have noticed in the log file that when I open the UI, this message is thrown: [EXC 23:39:28.098] NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object ExtraplanetaryLaunchpads.DropDownList.DrawBlockingSelector () ExtraplanetaryLaunchpads.ExBuildWindow.SelectPad_start () ExtraplanetaryLaunchpads.ExBuildWindow.WindowGUI (Int32 windowID) UnityEngine.GUILayout+LayoutedWindow.DoWindow (Int32 windowID) UnityEngine.GUI.CallWindowDelegate (UnityEngine.WindowFunction func, Int32 id, UnityEngine.GUISkin _skin, Int32 forceRect, Single width, Single height, UnityEngine.GUIStyle style) This is the Survey Stake in the savegame (persistent.sfs) VESSEL { pid = a764681a34dd4644a948068421ad883b name = Survey Stake type = Unknown sit = LANDED landed = True landedAt = splashed = False met = 106.11999762803316 lct = 19179048.9287121 lastUT = 19179155.048709728 root = 0 lat = -7.1364972279061112 lon = -8.3140652392637175 alt = 0.2209672605531523 hgt = 0.200004295 nrm = 1.75833702E-06,1,-2.62260437E-06 rot = 0.490510881,0.500442266,-0.567072451,0.4328807 CoM = 0,0,0 stg = 0 prst = False ref = 0 ctrl = False cPch = 0 cHdg = 0 cMod = 0 ORBIT { SMA = 30043.87123568328 ECC = 0.99708687660723128 INC = 7.1364972279060632 LPE = 90.000000000003496 LAN = 215.04775494643167 MNA = -3.1415926535865126 EPH = 19179155.048709728 REF = 3 } PART { name = ExSurveyStake cid = 4294824976 uid = 1427012726 mid = 3063283464 launchID = 99 parent = 0 position = 0,0,0 rotation = 0,0,0,1.00000012 mirror = 1,1,1 symMethod = Radial istg = -1 resPri = 0 dstg = 0 sqor = -1 sepI = -1 sidx = -1 attm = 1 srfN = srfAttach, -1 mass = 0.00163800002 shielded = False temp = 280.84797351946293 tempExt = 280.85177712446654 tempExtUnexp = 280.84269130936656 expt = 0.5 state = 0 attached = True autostrutMode = Off rigidAttachment = False flag = Squad/Flags/default rTrf = ExSurveyStake modCost = 0 EVENTS { } ACTIONS { } PARTDATA { } MODULE { name = ModuleKISItem isEnabled = True staticAttached = True stagingEnabled = True EVENTS { } ACTIONS { } UPGRADESAPPLIED { } } MODULE { name = ExSurveyStake isEnabled = True bound = False use = 0 stagingEnabled = True EVENTS { } ACTIONS { } UPGRADESAPPLIED { } } MODULE { name = USI_ModuleRecycleablePart isEnabled = True stagingEnabled = True EVENTS { } ACTIONS { } UPGRADESAPPLIED { } } MODULE { name = ModuleTripLogger isEnabled = True stagingEnabled = True EVENTS { } ACTIONS { } Log { flight = 0 0 = Land,Minmus } UPGRADESAPPLIED { } } } ACTIONGROUPS { Stage = False, 0 Gear = False, 0 Light = False, 0 RCS = False, 0 SAS = False, 0 Brakes = False, 0 Abort = False, 0 Custom01 = False, 0 Custom02 = False, 0 Custom03 = False, 0 Custom04 = False, 0 Custom05 = False, 0 Custom06 = False, 0 Custom07 = False, 0 Custom08 = False, 0 Custom09 = False, 0 Custom10 = False, 0 } DISCOVERY { state = -1 lastObservedTime = 0 lifetime = Infinity refTime = Infinity size = 2 } FLIGHTPLAN { } CTRLSTATE { pitch = 0 yaw = 0 roll = 0 trimPitch = 0 trimYaw = 0 trimRoll = 0 mainThrottle = 0 } VESSELMODULES { FlightIntegrator { } ModuleSwapConverterUpdate { } } } And the survey module of the Survey Station (also from the savegame): MODULE { name = ExSurveyStation isEnabled = True StationName = Minmus One stagingEnabled = True filename = C:\Kerbal.Space.Program.v1.2.1.1604\saves\default\Ships\VAB\Medical Bay.craft flagname = Squad/Flags/default state = Idle paused = False KACalarmID = EVENTS { } ACTIONS { } BuildCost { Required { BuildResrouce { name = MaterialKits amount = 16839.999215640164 } BuildResrouce { name = SpecializedParts amount = 1113.7566407735987 } } Optional { BuildResrouce { name = ElectricCharge amount = 5000 } } } BuiltStuff { Required { BuildResrouce { name = Machinery amount = 0 } BuildResrouce { name = Recyclables amount = 0 } BuildResrouce { name = MaterialKits amount = 0 } BuildResrouce { name = SpecializedParts amount = 0 } } Optional { } } UPGRADESAPPLIED { } }
  6. Hi I have a weird issue with EL. I have a base on Minmus, I use the MKS Duna Pioneer module as Survey Station. I built quite a few things at stakes, then I decide to build a new module for the base. I do a quicksave, put the stake and build the module, then I realize I didn't add an important item on that module. So I press F9, reload, put the stake again... and the UI doesn't see stakes anymore. I backed up everything, erased and reinstalled the game and all mods. Kept just the savegame. The problem persists after fresh install. This happened with El 5.5.3. Updated manually to 5.5.4. Problem remains.
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