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Posts posted by Thunder_86

  1. thanks for the video, I'll watch that tonight!

    I know it won't help for video, but I wonder about games tho. If I understood right from the video I posted the processing power for games might be improved a lot. Even tho nowadays, games are demanding on the GPU, not so much on the CPU, with some games in exception. Minecraft for example, isn't so demanding on the GPU, but real heavy on the CPU... for those kind of games I think it may help. Maybe your video will prove my theory wrong tho I'll see tonight! :)

  2. There was nothing new for me. But the display of the effects is quite good, better than usual. Of course, it is at some points not totally precise, but you cannot describe the effects more precise and still understandable, so there has to be some compromise.

    For how much of these phenomena can be harnessed, lets just say: All can somehow be harnessed and are harnessed. On the other hand, some of these phenomena also get in your way when you want to build certain kind of machines. For example your computer is full of stuff that needs quantum mechanic effects to work: From the laser in the DVD-player to the transistors in the processor to the magnetic sensor reading your hard disc or the transistors in your solid state disc. It's everywhere (at not only in the computer).

    And of course this still blows my mind every time I think about it ;)

    Yeah like you said, they do have to simplify it if they want the average Joe to get what they actually say haha. Not everything was new to me either, but at least half of the documentary was educative to me! Can't wait to see if they'll pull off some next level quantum processors one day. they look pretty freaking amazing. The ones they created already are very basic and pretty huge (just like the computers we have now, they used to be huge, inneficient and very expensive... One day those quantum processors might get affordable enough, small enough and veratile enough to be used by everybody!).

  3. [h=1]Ça Fait Rire Les Oiseaux[/h]

    Its friday, which means its "cheezy songs friday" at work, and my nickname here is DJ Thunder. This is a french song from Guadeloupe I think. I had copied the name from youtube to go get the lyrics to sing it out like a madman XD.

  4. I tried getting orange tanks on it, but I didn't want to do it in anything more than one flight. So after a few failed attempts at getting 4 orange tanks up to the station, I changed them to the smaller greys.

    @maceemiller, I'm struggling to build stuff on the ground let alone in LKO.

    What I personally did when building my first space station, is that I brought an almost empty (not even 1/4) orange tanks so that its lighter. Every part I brougth up there afterwards, I had more fuel than needed. so every mission that went up there, I dumped most of the remaining fuel in them, only keeping enough to deorbit my final stage. It was full before I could even finish the space station! :P.

    Later, I went up there and tried bringing a full one. I didn't modify my lifter to be able to get it up there. I saved the day by pumping the fuel in it into my main stage to get the DV I needed. that was using a cheap-ass lifter tho, I didn't want to spend too much money

  5. The XP awards for doing various things at a single planet/moon do not stack. This means that for a given planet/moon, the Kerbal will only have the XP for doing the highest-paying single activity he's done, and the most XP he will ever get from that planet/moon is the single value for planting a flag there. Doing multiple activities, in either the same or multiple trips, will only pay the difference between what the Kerbal has already done there and the value of the new activity.

    So, let's assume that for some planet, you can get 2 XP for a flyby, 3 XP for an orbit, 4 XP for landing, and 5 XP for a planting a flag. If the Kerbal has already flown by the planet, he's got 2 XP for that. If he comes back on a later trip, orbits, lands, and plants a flag, he only gets 3 more XP for a total of 5, which is the amount for the highest-paying activity (planting a flag).

    Thank you kind sir. I though it was for a single trip, and of course only once per activity. Using your values, I though that this planet X would be able to give me 14XP total by doing 4 trips to it. Looks like I was wrong. I don't care about my pilots as adding a good probe body gives you access to the things the pilot can't do. My scientists, however, could use the XP to be more efficient in my labs...

  6. Okay, quick question. I know you gain more XP when you land and plant a flag, than when you orbit in low orbit. I think you also get more xp for a low orbit than for a high orbit(???) and you get more XP for than than yo do for fly-bys. I also know you only get the highest xp value. in one trip. But can you get all this XP in multiple flights? For example, if I send Jeb to minmus to plant a flag, bring him back, then send him again to orbit minmus, then come back, then fly-by minmus, do I get the XP for every trip?

    That would make grinding quite easy, after getting all that XP for Mun and minmus, they gotta be pretty high level, wouldn't they?

  7. Alright so long story short, jeb was stuck on minmus. I tried sending an unmaned ship to Minmus, but I completely forgot to remove Jeb from the capsule. This was for a mission that wanted me to land a base on minmus, it had to have a capacity of at least 5 kerbals. So I put a hitchhiker thingy (4 kerbals) with a capsule for the 5th one. I never intended to send anybody in there tho.

    Of course, I did not plan on returning this to kerbin so I did not include fuel for the return trip. When I realized Jeb was in the ship, it was too late for reverting the flight (I had to go back to space center or somthing I don't remember), and I had already burnt most of my fuel, I was going for my landing on minmus already so not enough fuel to go back home. So I landed, and started planning for a rescue mission.

    Now yesterday, I decided to send a second science lab in orbit around minmus. So I decided to attatch a small rescue ship on the mini space station that, after putting the lab in orbit, I was going to detatch and land on minmus to get Jeb. That part of the plan worked wonderfully. Until I realized I had a brain fart while building the ship and forgot to add a heat shield and a decoupler. I had barely put enough fuel to deortbit the rescue ship from minmus and make the periapsis under 20km so that the ship would just fall back to kerbin. But falling back from minmus makes you get to Kerbin REALLY fast. I was getting in the atmosphere at over 3100 m/s. This is not a problem when you got a heat shield. It is, however, a huge problem when you don't! Again, brain fart, by the time I realized this, it was too late, I had no more fuel and again, reverting the whole flight was not an option anymore.

    sooo. here is how I successfully rescued Jeb. I first contemplated the idea of using the RCS to bring my periapsis back to 75 clicks and send a rescue mission to rescue the rescue mission XD. But I decided to try something else. I used the RCS to bring back my periapsis to 55 clicks instead. of course, with such a high periapsis, I couldn't bring the ship down in one go. but everytime I passed through it, the apoapsis went down, and the speed at which I went throught the periapsis went down as well. Of course the periapsis was going down a little bit everytime as well. It must have taken at least 10 orbits, but my apoapsis finally went down under 70 km.

    Now there was another issue. Because of the heat and the ship being absolutely uncontrollable because my rcs and my solat panels blew up, I went through the atmosphere face-first one time. Which blew up my chutes. I then noticed that the ship was going to crash right after some water. So as soon as the flames went away re-entering the athmosphere, I EVA'ed Jeb. He couldn't hold on to the capsule becuse of the wind. This is exactly what I wanted as I did some testing a long time ago, and remembered that kerbals can fall safely in the water. When Jeb got blown away from the ship, which was gonna crash AFTER the water, I turned on my EVA propelant, and tried to brake my horizontal movement as much as possible to have Jeb fall in the water instead of on the ground. I held shift and W to try to kill my vertical velocity as well (I'm not so sure you can fall in water at any speed and still survive so I tried cushioning the fall as much as I could. The ship indeed crashed to the ground and exploded. Jeb fell in water and lived.

    Let's just say Jeb totally deserved that level up XD.

    That was a VERY stressful hour. I don't want Jeb to die XD.

  8. Strum tonight! I hope to see you there Xannari!

    What I'm suggesting for tonight is designing our lifters in sandbox. We'll use those lifters in our quest to set foot on the sun in our main savegame.

    We'll try to desing cheap, reliable light lifters, medium lifter and heavy lifters. I will probably need your knowledge ;).

    I'd like to design lifters for both low-science and high-science so that way, we can use them right away in our career, and as we gain more science points, we can unlock stuff to build the more advanced lifters.

    The goal here is to have desings that can easily lift large and heavy modules to build some space sations as well as launch manned missions to other planets. For right now, the most important thing will be to send some scientists on the Mun and on Minmus to get as much science as possible. Then, we will build a space station. If I understood well, and this is what I'm testing on my other savegame, a science lab can only process each experiment result once. nothing prevents the same result to be processedby multiple labs. What I'm wondering is if the data value stays the same or if it go down.

    What I did in my other savegame is I sent a science module up there that has the basic stuff (goo, temperature, barometer, science jr.) that is attached to my space station. I also have a lab with 2 scientists. the goal is to leave it like that, and when the lab is done with the experiments I'll send the science back to Kerbin, and send just a replacement lab. The experiments are still going to be up there. I'll dump the old lab, install the new one, and run the experiments again. Eventually, I'd like to have 2-3 science labs around Mun or Minmus to farm science. If I go for it on Mun or Minmus, I may even add a robotic lander capable of undocking, going down on the ground, and go back up to the station with valuable data for processing.

    So I'm testing the science lab replacement thingy, it SHOULD work according to what I read, that would make for a cheap way of (slowly) farming tons of science! In my other savegame its already started, but I don't want to fast forward for months to see what happens, I'll just leave it to work and see what happens over time. The goal is not to "cheat" here and just fast forward it, transmit science, replace the lab, and repeat... The goal is just to use the tools we have to make science.

  9. oh of course you need enough monopropellant. In a way, I guess you could count it in deltaV, but since this stage will most likely not be 1 smooth maneuver like say an orbit transfer, I guess its hard to actually calculate the needed delta V... I guess its more closely related to the pilot's experience rather than any mathematical calculations. If you suck at using your RCS, it'll take way more propellant than if you can just Ace it.

    But with those strong-as-hell magnets we have, it makes it way too easy. In any case, the approach is still fun to do, I try to be as precise as possible just for fun, even though I know that if I'm way off, it'll just pull me in at some point. lol. At least I feel like a real astronaut until that stupid magnet kicks in

  10. yeah, thats waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa[insert 8984654 other "a" letters here]aaaaaaaaaaaay more precise than what we have to do in KSP lol. Is there a mod that makes docking a bit more realistic? I know I said I don't like mods, but I also like precise maneuvering to dock, this would add a ton of fun for me!

  11. well that sucks then! What will you do?

    On my side, rescue mission for Jeb was a stunning success, Sent an empty Mk1 capsule with an OCTO on it to save him. The same rocket I use for the regular rescue missions. I don't know why I didn't think about it straight away, I did dat dozens of times, the rescue missions are my favourite!

    Also, yesterday, I played a bit of sandbox and started a KSS (Kerbal Space Station). This is why I prefer career tho. even tho I have more stuff to put on it in sandbox, all the science I could get from it serves no purpose... :(

    It's really fun to do tho! :) And I love that docking mod after all lol. I'll probably stick to only that mod. The biggest thing is not that I can see the alignment, as you can see it with stock KSP, but I don'T like the controls in docking mode. I prefer to keep the regular controls, but then you don't see your alignment. With the mod you see the aligment and you get to keep the controls :).

    Docking is easier than I expected tho... you don't seem to have to be super precise ad the magnetic thing take over from very far away. Is it like that with real-life docking as well or they just made it easier in KSP? I was like "easy... easy..." and then all of a sudden, I get pulled to it. It was a tiny bit of a bummer, and I was doing so well I would have loved to complete the whole maneuver myself lol

  12. you talked about installing RSS. is that the realism mod? If you juste delete your game and reinstall it from scratch with no mods, it should be fine, isn't it? Maybe you can backup your savegames...

    Thats why I hate mods, in any game. usually screws with the reliability of the game. The only one I installed on my game is a mod for docking. Don't remember the name. I've seen a video of a guy that uses it, I didn't realize there is a built in one in the game, so I installed it... When I'm going to start using docks, I'll try NOT using the mod... if I can get away with the vanilla game, I'll uninstall the mod.

    I really hate mods... Some of them add some cool-ass stuff, but for me its no good if it makes the game unstable. Vanilla KSP is a ton of fun anyway!

  13. dude you are getting all the bugs!

    The only bug that happens to me over and over again is being unable to set maneuvers anymore. Can't click on my orbit to make one. I usually just have to go back to space station, and then back to my rocket. I think this is what makes my flights un-revertable tho. Thats why Jeb is in such a precary solution at the moment in my game XD

  14. Miss Duna? I'm not trying to reach it, and I don't have enough Delta V on that ship to reach it anyway. barely have enough to get tu Minmus.

    I just realized tho that I could just send a rescue probe to help Jeb. Thats if the alt-F4 help me get back to the point where I was still in space. Cause when I rage quit, I was litterally 100m above ground, with no chute, no fuel, no nothing lol. The rescue probe would easily save him if he's still in orbit.

  15. R.I.P. Jeb. I played my other carrer yesterday, figured I'd take a break from launching probes, so I sent Jeb on a mission over Minmus. I completely forgot the heat shield. He died. Poor Jeb...

    Or actually he didn't die... yet. I TRIED to bring him back to safety, I fired my engine retrograde to try to slow him down enoough to fire my chutes, but failed. so I Alt-F4 ragequit right before he touched ground. I don't know where the game will put me next time I load it but I doubt there is actually a way to get back to safety... There MIGHT be a way to fire my engine just a tad less, while I'm up there, hope the ship doesn't overhead to much, and fire them again before I try the chutes, but the engine I have is the Terrier... awesome engine in space, but sucks in atmosphere...

    I really doubt there is a way to save him :'(

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