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Everything posted by RadPig94

  1. I'm having problems. I'm here to ask about the heatsinks and their effectiveness. Using 20 size3 heatsinks seems to do nothing for keeping the engines cool. It maybe because I'm using v1.0.0, I'm just not sure because the engines themselves work as intended
  2. I guess this is a great place to start my first post Anyways, I'm having a bit of a problem. What is supposed to be the effectiveness of the Heatsinks? I notice that it does not change the rate of reaching overheat or speeding cooldown up. When I use the Size 1 I do notice that it does glow red, I just thought overheat was not affected because its puny size and only using 1. But the other sizes do not seem to be doing anything, not even glowing. I put 20 of the biggest heatsinks for my lightbulb but they seem to do nothing. It might be because I am using v1.0.0 though, I'm just not sure because the engines themselves work as intended
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