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  • About me
    Future Historian
  • Location
    The Orion Arm

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  1. Hello! I'm having difficulties while trying to install several mods with CKAN. I had previously used CKAN to install 48 different mods with no errors. It seems that the mods i were attempting to install succeed to install, but I knew i should bring this to your attention so that you may resolve the problem. Below you will find a screenshot of the error message and a spoiler with the full text of the details. Thank you for your time, I apologize if this has been handled already but, its's better to be safe with these kinds of things.
  2. Any recommendations for a new monitor? It can't be wider than 20" and it has to cost less than $120
  3. Sorry I haven't been very active on this. I've been kinda busy and I just kind of forgot about this. EDIT: Someone is free to anschluss my land.
  4. I've got the save! I played on the wrong save! Use klesh's save!
  5. Done! http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=892943395 I claimed my landed and did a lot of terraforming. I set up some infrastructure for my town and made a little terrace but never got to zoning. I'm off school tomorrow so I'll probably have it for a while tomorrow.
  6. I disabled all my mods that added or changed any parts (Traffic ++ and such). I don't think Extended Building Information will cause any problems but I wanted to double check. So is Extended Building Information safe to use? Edit: Also, Expect me to friend you guys on Steam.
  7. I'll probably grab the save when I get home tomorrow night! Just a quick question. Are all the utilities shared among the towns?
  8. It's a little unclear in the rules : are unlock all and infinite money enabled or disabled?
  9. The new mini-dlc looks nice. Thank you paradox for your incredibly addictive games! (Seriously though Paradox games are addictive, I have over 1500 hours logged in EU4 alone)
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