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Everything posted by nimaroth
You're asking good questions there, but I'm afraid to be the bearer of bad news ... 1) You're right, after a flameout, it would be more logical that you need to restart your engine ... If I'm using the example of my bike, if I'm careless and need to change to supply after having used my main fuel, I need to restart the engine. Buuut ... when I tried the ship with a suborbital, staying in closedmode and switching after coming back, I had the problem (not tested it though after your last change so ... I won't assure it was still the case). And there, you shouldn't have to restart the engine. Oh yeah, I did made a test ... it was even more funny ... I was able to activate the engine at more than 70kms ... and had a flameout after descending under the 70kms ... I'll do more tests about that though since I only made one. 2) I've looked into this magneto's problem today and ... it's a real mess. I don't even know where to start but the main problem is that message (endlessly ...) : [EXC 01:02:33.756] NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object Firespitter.engine.FSplanePropellerSpinner.OnUpdate () Part.ModulesOnUpdate () Part.Update () At first, I was thinking it was firespitter the problem but without AJE, the engine turn fine ... so there is an incompabilty problem. And now my question is, since AJE should manage the engine, do we need to have firespitter installed ? Too late to make a test tonight so I'll do that tomorrow. Continuing on the same issue, I have another problem with rotary engine (for chopper). I'm send into space when using them ... and same with the AJE e50 Electric Propellant. The messages I get are those : Look rotation viewing vector is zero (endlessly) and after that : [EXC 00:38:59.767] NullReferenceException SpriteMesh.CreateMesh () SpriteMesh.get_mesh () SpriteRoot.Delete () SpriteBase.Delete () UIListItemContainer.Delete () UIScrollList.RemoveItem (Int32 index, Boolean destroy, Boolean doEasing) UIScrollList.RemoveItem (IUIListObject item, Boolean destroy, Boolean doEasing) UIScrollList.RemoveItem (IUIListObject item, Boolean destroy) ApplicationLauncher.RemoveApplication (.ApplicationLauncherButton button) UIApp.OnDestroy () [EXC 00:38:59.771] NullReferenceException UnityEngine.Component.get_gameObject () GenericAppFrame.OnDestroy () I've also made the same tests without AJE and ... I think you know the answer, no issue at all ... 3) Nothing we can do about that ... unless staying on the idea to leave the engine in flameout like you suggested. There, it's to the ... engineer to think about that matter while making his craft. Honestly, I don't know if it's best to shutdown completely or not the engine ... but it'll probably feel more realistic to shut it down ... But in all cases, we still have to make sure that the engine will restart if it's a switch in good conditions. To be as efficient as possible, tell wich issue you prefer that I look at ?
Ah right, didn't seen that one coming. So th update of the lastPropellantFraction must be done elsewhere, like before calling CalculateEngineParams or simply at the beggining of it. But the actual test (cf : (double.IsNaN(thrustIn) || !engineSolver.GetRunning())) must stay like this or ... yeah, it'll restart after the end of the flameout but the engine will not cooldown. That was my first attempt and that's why I changed it like this but didn't saw that it was called elsewhere. Hum, maybe you can help me ... I'm using monodevelop (well, the new xamarin in fact ...) and I would like to know how I could fuse or at least see two project at the same time ? Without opening two process of it of course It would help me there since I must constantly switch between AJE and SolverEngine >.<
Okay, then there are things I want to look at. First, rpm should be directly link to the throttle and the thrust. Not that important, but disturbing enough for me. But more than that, it's with chopper that it doesn't cut. Just after activating the engine, it goes waayyyy up into the sky like a big jump. It should take a while before there is enough power to lift it. Anyway, thanks again for you answer. I'll look into that. And issues ain't a checklist ! >.< But fair enough, I'll start by looking into that Finally found out the issue ! Well ... I was sure it was something like this, but still took me a long long time >.< So, the issue with the flameout and the no-fuel is due to the fact that ffFraction is only calculated if engineSolver.GetRunning() return true wich is the value of combusting from SolverJet (it was this part that took me a long time to figure out ...) and is to false if ffFraction is to 0D wich come frome the flameout and ... stay like this since it won't calculate it again ... Well right, so all we have to do is to update the value even if we're in flameout. I've made those change in EngineModule.cs and work fine for me (but I can have forget something) : virtualpublicvoidUpdateFlightCondition(EngineThermodynamicsambientTherm,doublealtitude,Vector3dvel,doublemach,booloxygen) { //Inflight,thesearethesameandthiswilljust return this.ambientTherm.CopyFrom(ambientTherm); // Adding the update of lastPropellantFraction updateLastPropellantFraction(); engineSolver.SetEngineState(EngineIgnited,lastPropellantFraction); engineSolver.SetFreestreamAndInlet(ambientTherm,inletTherm,altitude,mach,vel,oxygen); engineSolver.CalculatePerformance(areaRatio,currentThrottle,flowMult,ispMult); } // Just a copy of what it is doing in CalculateEngineParams virtualpublicvoidupdateLastPropellantFraction() { doublefuelFlow=engineSolver.GetFuelFlow(); doublemassFlow=fuelFlow*0.001d*TimeWarp.fixedDeltaTime; if(CheatOptions.InfiniteFuel==true) { lastPropellantFraction=1d; UnFlameout(); } else { if(massFlow>0d) { lastPropellantFraction=RequestPropellant(massFlow); } else { lastPropellantFraction=1d; for(inti=0;i<propellants.Count;i++) { if(propellants[i].totalResourceAvailable<=0d) { lastPropellantFraction=0d; break; } } } } } Ps : since it is updated in updateLastPropellantFraction, it can be remove from CalculateEngineParams for better performance.
[1.0.2] B9 Aerospace | Procedural Parts 0.40 | Updated 09.06.15
nimaroth replied to bac9's topic in KSP1 Mod Development
It's more managed like real heat transmission than I was thinking. I would have assume it was managed by part and as a whole for each part. Anyway, thanks for your answer. -
[1.0.2] B9 Aerospace | Procedural Parts 0.40 | Updated 09.06.15
nimaroth replied to bac9's topic in KSP1 Mod Development
Hi, First thanks for this amazing mod ! I have been able to make wings who actually look like wings .... Halleluja ! Just a question about that. I don't know if it is normal, a bug, or related to another mod I have ... Whenever I'm displaying the heating with F11, it seems that there is no heat on the wings made with b9. I've only try a reentry after a suborbital flight so I wasn't going quick enough to see any possible overheating but I was wondering if it was normal or if I missed something. By the way, I'm on ksp version 1.0.4 with last FAR release version. The other mods shouldn't have any impact on this matter. -
Another set of questions ! I'm not sure about that but, is this mod taking into account rotor (the propeller) engines (I'm thinking about those in Firespitter mod) ? If so, is there a difference with the one for chopper ? The mod is called 'Advanced Jet Engine' so it is probably unlikely but well ... asking doesn't hurt ! And second question, is there a checklist accessible with the things working / not working / in dev / in debug etc ? You were talking about some serious bug in your last answer and I was curious to know which they are ... I'm in the mood to look into that and since it's the week-end ... I'll have some time to spare.
Then forget about what I just said, I just wasn't attentive enough. Sorry about that, I've made so much test with mods lately than I'm starting to not paid enough attention and don't see things who're under my nose (and I can assure you I've searched about that ... tired maybe ?)
Oh okay, so the throttle is re-calculated. I didn't knew that. Then I would at least suggest to add something in the description for those who effectively have afterburning. I was thinking something like having max thrust dry and max thrust wet. Well, it's just an idea and maybe it doesn't work with how the mod calculate thrust. Anyway, thanks again for your answer.
Hummm, no, I think I'll pass ! ^^" I'm already trying to make a SSTO with the SABRE and I'm stuck cause of the engine problem, so I would prefer that you look into that first No, the question was more by curiosity. Assuming it is always on also means that you 'can't' use the engine at full power, only 66%. I would have probably prefer an option to activate / deactivate it at will. Just giving an example, using it only to take-off (and even for that, we're not on an aircraft carrier so ...), then turning it off and making the ascent without it. The afterburner is something that drain a lot of fuel and is normally not the best cost effective ... Well, it's a choice of yours so I'll respect it, I'm already glad to have this mod ! No relation to that but I have in mind to start modding myself (still searching for inspiration though =p). You seems to have a good grasp about modding, do you mind if I ask you some questions when the time will come ? Don't worry, it won't be about basic things, I've already made some research ... oh well, maybe you should worry after all, I'm always going into difficult stuff, or should I say twisted ? XD
I've just done another set of tests. So yeah, you were right, there is an aerodynamic issue. I've tried without the mods and it still does the same ! And I've try making it from scratch (the exact same one) and it's all good ... so I think there is something stuck in this one ... but I still don't understand why with SABRE it fly straight >.> Whatever .... Probably a stupid question but ... there is a talk about some afterburner in the description. Is there something special to do to use them or they just activate themselves if I'm using more than 66% throttle without anything more to do (and so making them impossible to desactivate) ?
My mistake. I'm not familiar enough with github ... After searching for a while, I found out something that look liked what you said and yep, it's good and all. So sorry ! ^^ For the flat spin (and not spine, I'm ashamed of myself T.T), I tried tweaking with my plane a lot and couldn't figure out the problem. If I'm switching the J-58-P4 engines with the SABRE, I have no problem to fly it, no spin whatsoever. I've tried a lot of things, changing the configuration, deleting parts ... whatever I'm doing, it doesn't seems to fly straight. At a moment, after deleteing the LVT45 (and a lot of other parts before), it was flying straight but ... that's absurd cause they are attached at the back, by a simple bi-coupler (by the way, it's a MK2 model with almost only B9 parts). And just removing them didn't make it fly straight >.> So I really don't know what is the problem ... is it with AJE, with FAR, with the game itself ...? I think I'll forget about that since that's not what I really want to do, it was just a test run for the problem with the SABRE (and RAPIER). Moreover, doing a really simple plaine with them do not reproduce the spin. If you still want to look into it, tell me and I'll do what I can to help you. I really like this mod. After all, I'm one of this Flight Simulator fan ! Plus, you're also managing B9 who's one of my favorit mod too ... you really have my respect ! Anyway, good luck with that and if I'm not too lazy (that'll be hard ...) I'll try helping a bit.
Hum, sorry ... I should have been more specific. It's the case for all the inlets of B9. The cause is that in the B9.cfg, it's written "name = AJEInlet" instead of "@name = AJEInlet". As a result, there is no area inlet associated when placing them. I have the last version and I've just tried downloaded it again on Github and it's still the case (version 2.2.1, with both the one with and without the source) And I've already changed it in my .cfg so it's ok for me, it's more for the others than I'm telling you that ^^ Yeah I thought so ... but since I'm not familiar with the code of the mods (more than one are related there), I wasn't able to pinpoint the problem. Oh, I forgot to say that the problem is the same with the R.A.P.I.E.R. That's what I wanted to do .... the sole problem is that .... I don't even have the time XD I mean ... after it goes into flat spine, clicking on the engine ain't that easy and I crash before being able to do so >.< I'll try again tonight and tell you the resultat, if I can do it ... Surprisingly, I don't remember the plane making a turn while landed ... I need to make sure. True enough. Even though I was able to activate it, I had to shut it down quickly otherwise it would have exploded. I don't know enough of this matter to really tell but it's probably realistic enough. I'll still take some time to make some research about that. Alright, I looked into it and as you said, it would be a 'lil more realistic to add a burnout depending on atm. From what I saw, the value depend on the engine type. Following values are for earth atmosphere and are theoretically. I only found out the altitude so sorry about that. - 40.000 for turbojet - 55.000 for ramjet - 75.000 for scramjet Anyway, thanks for your answer. I'll do some research on my side and see if I can help more but I have some other troubles that I need to look at too, and I still don't know if it's linked to a mod or the change of version (wasn't the wisest idea to change version and add mods at the same time ... but well, whatever).
Hi there, I've installed this great mod yesterday and found out some troubles. The first one isn't that much of a problem but ... well, intake from the mod b9 ain't taking into account for the area inlet. The reason is quite simple, in the .cfg part, the @ before 'name' was forgotten. After adding it, it was perfect. (Shame on you blowfish, you're managing both of them and didn't even saw that =p) Perfect or so I thought ... after finally making my futur to be SSTO and going into Orbit, I had quite the shock ... when my engine didn't start back after the re-entry. So, going into details. I've made a SSTO with SABRE (the S version). For the take-off, no problem, the engine start running and I can fly 'till I need to switch to CloseMode. When I'm still low enough, I can switch between CloseMode and AirBreathing without any issues. But Once I've past the limit (about 35.000 I think), The AirBreathing mode won't work again, saying a hard to believe 'no fuel' .... WRONG !!!! è.é I've tried to search what could be the issue but still haven't found anything T.T (Just that there is no flow whatsoever) And so since I had those trouble, I tried with another configuration : 2 LV-T45 and 2 J-58-P4 ... Another wrong turn, couldn't even take-off ... Even though it was the same plane as before and I just changed the engines, after the take-off, my plane goes into a flat spine oO It's like one engine was putting much thrust than the other ... I've tried to look at the center of mass, center of thrust and whatever but ain't been able to see a reason. So ... keeping the same plane, I used 2 General Electric YJ93-GE-3-Turbojet instead of the J-58-P4 ... and was finally able to take-off (and can prove that this plane is stable !!!), and was able to go to space ... but ... wait, what's the ...? Why is this engine still active ?.? Oh ... past the 70k, it's okay, he shut-down .... and ... okay, under this limit, he activates himself .... I'm ... lost ! No, it's definitely too absurd there .... It's true that the engine is getting hot astonishly quickly so you can't really use it at this altitude but ... well ... still, really ? Don't know for a real engine though (don't even know if someone has tried this absurdity XD). I think I've said all I can to help and hope to see a fix soon T.T Good luck and may the force be with you Blowfish (I tried looking at the source but since I don't know the game API nor how to debug with this game, I stopped quickly XD I'll search better once I'll try to make my own mod =p)