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Everything posted by nimaroth

  1. Somone already asked that not that long ago and another one did it (even though I don't know the extend of it exactly ^^) Look there
  2. but, but, but ... we're already on the sixth day ! >.<
  3. I was wondering a thing, will Bac9 come back to us ? I would really be sad to see his works stop, I really like what he is doing.
  4. Thanks all for your answer, I'm starting to understand differences about each method. For wheels, I still need to make some tests but I think I've found out what was missing.
  5. They are compatible with 1.0.4. Only issue is with heating process and you can find a MM fix some post ago.
  6. Hello guys, I've made my resolve to start modeling a few days ago. After searching for tutorial and all, I was able to make some simple parts. Now, I would like to make something a 'lil more difficult and have some questions about that. I've searched for tutorials but there isn't any who could really help me understand what I wanted. Since it's more easy to answer while knowing what I'm using, I'm doing modeling on Blender then I'm using Unity to finish the part (and export it as .mu) The first question is more for information. It's about colliders. I've seen that you can either add one when modeling (calling it node_collider) or applying one in Unity. What's the difference between the two method ? it seems for me that the two method worked ... so I don't really know which one is better and above all, why. For reference, I've imported some parts in Blender to see how they were made. With this, I'm now wondering another things about collider. I've seen somes with a totally different name and well ... I don't know if it was done in the modeling program or in unity but ... what I want to know is how the game know that it is a collider ? From what i can tell, I think when you use a mesh for collider, you need to call it a special way, but you don't care if it's done with a collider object. And lastly for now, I wanted to make a simple wheel but ... I don't understand how you add an axis of rotation >.< I searched on the web but couldn't find a tutorial for this. Could someone redirect me on a tutorial for this, or explain me how it works please ? (if possible, not a video so that I could print it or at least follow it without having to rewind the video X times when I don't understand something =p) Thanks in advance !
  7. Hum, maybe you should focus on dwarf planet first ? If I'm not wrong (but I could so sorry if it's the case >.<), there is still at least Haumea, Makemake and Eris missing. It's true that they are really far away but ... well ... we're allowed to dream !
  8. Man, that's unfair ! I really want to test your mod so I hope it'll be available soon ! Great job and good luck with that !
  9. Ehhhh, another mod to install >.< Great job, I'm gonna try this soon !
  10. Thanks all. I had BB v1.3 so yeah, after installing v1.4, it was better. Still bouncy for a while but it stopped after a 'lil so all okay ^^ Didn't think about that since I took it at the end of last week ... For the booster, you were right, I wasn't looking at atmo TWR ... didn't think it would be that much different ! There are still things bugging me but RSS + RO don't manage rocket and all like the originals so I must familiarize myself with them and see if it's still bugging me or not ^^ Anyway, once again, thanks all
  11. Hi, I've tried your mod this week-end and ... well ... that was something ! Sincerely ... good job, it must have been quite hard to do all this work. However, I have some questions ... Just so that you know, I made a fresh install and I'm using RO with all the dependencies mods. I'm also using Better Buoyancy, Editor Extension, KER, KW Rocketery and Alternate Resource Panel. (And maybe a few more in the recommanded one by RO ...) First one, It happened when I tried to do my first rocket (while playing a new game in career) ... I was quite surprised. My first rocket was using the booster and even though I had a TWR > 1, it wouldn't take off ... After removing a 'lil fuel, it was all good (I had then TWR > 2.5) First, I thought that it was due to all the change coming with RSS ... but later on, I've made a rocket with an engine and a tank, being at about 1.2 TWR ... and could take-off without any issue. So, well, could someone explain to me what happened there ? ^^" The second one ... well, I was able to take-off safely ! (more or less .... =p) And to land safely (even less than before ) ... in the ocean / sea ... and it is where it's starting to get tricky ! Oh yeah, the pod was safe and all but, it wouldn't stop shaking, as if there was a big swell ... making it impossible to recover my vessel (since it was always moving). I don't know if it's due to Better Buyoancy or any other mod involved in RSS + RO but ... that's quite hard to play like this. I can still recover them by spamming [Esc] until I can go to the space center, and then recover it, but it's not ideal. Oh yeah, no trouble when I'm landing on land. I've just seen the post from Joseph_Terran who has a similar problem. So before you ask me, I've started to play after installing everything, BB included !
  12. After thinking a bit about it, the first Kaboom thing must have happened when I tried to change the position setting of the runaway I was on .... ^^" But then it's when adding a new building that it went total Kaboom and I had to restart =P Well, since I was messing aroung a lot with the mod, I must have done a bad sequence of actions at the moment. After all, I JUST lost focus a couple of time, added 3 or 4 buildind in the same place, and without deleting the prior of course, changed position, altitude and rotation of a runaway whom I was sitting on .... nothing that should be problematic, really .... So, I have two things to remember : - Do not lost focus before finishing to position correctly the building - Do not mess with a building whom I am sitting on That should do it! I'm not sure of what you mean by that ? I didn't see anything like this, they just spawned with a predefine length / width and all I could do was to place them ... So, do you mean in their config files or something like this ? Anyway, thanks for your answer
  13. Thanks AlphaAsh. As I thought, it's the ability to change location of departure who isn't compatible ... Well, I still didn't made a seaplane so not a problem ... for now, since I want to do one XD Anyway, I've tested your mod yesterday so here is my first feedback ! ^^ First, I really like the idea ... it is quite interesting to be able to do your own launchsites / bases. It's making me want to build many over the world =P The drawback to that is that if you build somes on other planets, it somehow become too easy ... but I didn't test it so I don't know if there are some limitations in that or not. Another thing is when you spawn new buildings, they spawn where you are ... and make sometimes your poor craft explode XD Not easy to build something like this, or maybe I missed something >.< It does not explode each and every time but when spawning them or playing with the options, sometimes it goes kaboom ! (With a K, like Kerbal =P) Actually, I was thinking it was like building a craft, you choose a part, then place it were you want, or delete it if you change your mind / pick up the wrong part ... but it doesn't seem to be the case. Something like this would probably be safer. Yeah, I know that it would be quite difficult to add something like that >.< A good thing would be to add a picture next to the building (in the UI to add them !) so that you know how it looks like, making it easier to pick them up. Since I didn't know them, I had to pick them one by one to see how they look like, and I think when you have a lot of them, you don't always remember which one is which. Also, I probably missed them, but I didn't see the dimensions of the buildings ? Could be usefull too, having the choice with some parts to change the length (I'm thinking about runaways). Like this, you could make a runaway the length you want ... of course, it would only be possible with straight one ! Well, not the more important thing, it is still easy to put them next to each others to have a runaway the length you want anyway ^^ Anyway, thanks for your great mod ! Now I need to test all the building mods *.* Oh and please don't take those comments badly, it's just my first feedback and some suggestions on the spot ! I tend to forget them once I'm used to the way it works so I decided to tell them while still fresh =p
  14. Thanks, I'll test that. It's just that I prefer testing mods in stand-alone and moreover, kerbin-side and firespitter don't seems to like each other ^^
  15. Hello, Just a simple question, is there an actual content (runaway etc) in this mod, or do I need to download another mod (like Kerbin-Side) and this mod is just used as a proxy ?
  16. Thanks for the good work. Just for information, after updating FAR to the last dev version, some of the propellers issues where corrected for me : - Engines were starting again - They were also restarting after a burnout. Hope it'll help you.
  17. Thanks for the explanation ... You really did what I had in mind ! And hum well yeah, I'm a dev (that's my actual work ...) so it's probably even easier for me to understand code than text XD Yeah it's shameless and so what ? >.> (But I don't really know C#, I know java though ^^) From what you said, there are points that are bugging me ... as an example, I had a lot of engine in inlets and well ... that's not really their place ! (The engines from firespitter) I'll look at it when I'll be home. Oh, I just understood about the replacement / adding things in Fliter by functions XD So hum well, I'll look at it when home. If I delete subs that I don't want, will the parts still show elsewhere ?
  18. Hi Crzyrndm (tsh, couldn't choose a more simple name ? XD) I tried your mod yesterday (didn't know it existed, I was about to make one similar ^^') and well ... I would like to know if there is a manual for dummies ? After using it, it was even more messy than before ... so many categories were added (in filter by functions) and I didn't really like that. So I would like to know how it works so that I can have something more usable ... Oh yeah, I deleted one of the folder so that it didn't changed the default filter by functions and was way better, I could use the filter by mod and functions who was what I wanted. But it's true that adding some categories (like wheels ...) could be interesting so ... this is why I'm asking you that ^^ (too lazy to look into the code >.>)
  19. Well, my honest opinion at this subject is that I don't like how the gui to choose part is right now ... It was good and all with few parts but the more you have, the less it is adequate. What I'm thinking of is a big recast of the system. I already have something in mind and hope that they'll think about it. First of all, I don't like how the filter work ... it's good to have the ability to add filter but the more you have, the more it is difficult to choose them ... I mean, adding them all under the category imply you need to descend and rise the buttons, it is a hassle ... So, something more like having filters all up in combo boxes and choosing those you want ... (I don't know if I'm really clear XD) Oh, yeah, a good example would be like in excel when you use filter ! You can then choose whatever you want, one / multiple criteria for each filter available ... Well, there is other points but this one would be so much better ! One point would be to give an easier way to modder to add their category / subcategory, simply by adding the name in a .cfg for example ... or even simplier, if a category name in a .cfg does not exist, simply adding it ... Just that would make me so happy !
  20. I join you with this one ... At a time, it was considered impossible from what I've read but there are some who where able to do it. There are also others who tried, and I don't know if it ever worked in the past but for the version I have, it doesn't work. All that said, what I would like the most is sub-categories ... it is doable by yourself, but it takes a long, looong time. And well ... it's not like I like doing stuff like this for hours. What I was thinking there is more about the idea from SQUAD that has still never been implemented ... you know, if you go look into the .cfg, the subcat part always to 0 ? At least, it would help a lot ....
  21. Some like inventing new craft, others like reproducing existing ones ... Even though KSP is more axed around rocket, with the actual mods, you can have a lot of fun with airplanes too ... And most of all, being able to reproduce your favorite plane and make it fly is quite the feast ! I would also like something like this but since I'm already flooded by all the mods I have, it would probably be best if it could be procedural part (and even more if you could change / adapt the shape at will). Like this, you could even been able to make adaptor and so ... but since I'm not that fond about modeling, I don't know where are the limit to that (still think that it is highly doable). There is also another thing that I miss a lot, it's landing gears ... there ain't any that look like what I want (and none for WW2 aircraft ...). Sure, I didn't try all the existing mods and I may have miss one but ... well
  22. Sincerely, I've done a lot suborbital flight earlier in the game without any issue, and without anything to brake or whatever. Just a pod and a chute waiting to be at the right speed wich I obtain at about 5.000 ... high enough to deploy it. And another good way if you really have trouble is to keep some fuel for the descent and start burning at ... say 30.000 (or earlier if you have a lot left) until you have nothing left, then decouple it.
  23. Hi Ferram ! First, let me thank you for your mod ... it's really well done ! Now, the issue at hand ... I've actually some troubles with a rotor engine for chopper. After talking with Blowfish, I've made another set of test with your latest dev version but sadly, not the result expected. The engine is from KAX pack. I used KAX, AJE and of course FAR, AJE and FAR with the last dev version. The engine name is Bell UH-1 Huey Engine&Rotor. And now, the steps : - Activating SAS - Activating the engine - Cutting the engine with [X] => Sent to space Messages from the log (those messages are repeated endlessly) : [LOG 19:51:20.349] Look rotation viewing vector is zero [LOG 19:51:20.350] Look rotation viewing vector is zero [LOG 19:51:20.350] Look rotation viewing vector is zero [ERR 19:51:20.353] Actor::setAngularDamping: The angular damping must be nonnegative! [ERR 19:51:20.353] Actor::setAngularDamping: The angular damping must be nonnegative! [ERR 19:51:20.354] Actor::setAngularDamping: The angular damping must be nonnegative! [ERR 19:51:20.354] Actor::setAngularDamping: The angular damping must be nonnegative! [ERR 19:51:20.355] Actor::setAngularDamping: The angular damping must be nonnegative! [ERR 19:51:20.355] Actor::setAngularDamping: The angular damping must be nonnegative! [ERR 19:51:20.356] Actor::setAngularDamping: The angular damping must be nonnegative! [ERR 19:51:20.356] Actor::setAngularDamping: The angular damping must be nonnegative! [EXC 19:51:20.357] ArithmeticException: NAN System.Math.Sign (Double value) SolverEngines.EngineThermodynamics.FromChangeReferenceFrame (SolverEngines.EngineThermodynamics t, Double speed, Boolean forward) Second test : - Activating the engine - Cutting the engine with [X] => No trouble Hoping it'll help ! (I have notified all three mods concerned)
  24. Okay, I understand now. Thanks for the explanation. Edit : I've just done more test and there is the result : - For all the tests, updated FAR with the last dev version. - Test with the Bell UH-1 Huey Engine&Rotor : - Activating SAS - Activating the engine - Cutting the engine with [X] => Sent to space (same message as before : Look rotation viewing vector is zero) (Tests done with AJE dev version 3 days prior and last dev version, same result) - Test with the Bell UH-1 Huey Engine&Rotor : - Activating the engine - Cutting the engine with [X] => No trouble (Tests only done with AJE last dev version) So the SAS is the problem. I should report this to FAR. Now, the tests with AJE P&W R-2800-21 double wasp. It was with this engine I had the messages that I posted last time and the Magneto's flameout. - Tests done with AJE dev version 3 days prior : - Activating engine : All good (quite the improvement ^^) - Cutting fuel : flameout (All clear !) - Re-activating fuel : Nothing (well ... no surprise) - Shutting down and reactivating the engine : Nothing (Too bad !) - Tests done with AJE last dev version : - Activating engine : All good - Cutting fuel : flameout - Re-activating fuel : Engine reactivate itself, YES ! I still can't reproduce the magneto's flameout ... so I don't know if there is still a problem but it seems quite promising !
  25. Okay but then what do you want to resolve first ? Good to know ... I'll download the latest dev version then and make new tests run. But there is something I don't understand then, why isn't there the issue without AJE ? I mean, AJE don't call any method and doesn't seem dependant of it, or did I missed something ? And it make me think I should do the debug without it ...
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