Hello Dear Forum Dwellers I'm not all too happy about asking for help in my first post, but I really could use some advise on this. http://i.imgur.com/MvuzqrP.png Not sure if I can spoiler Images After a small minmus science gathering mission, I now have to get the 3 brave kerbonauts back home. Unfortunately, I forgot to add a decoupler between the heatshield and the rest of the craft (usually I am that deviant to put the headshields in front, followed by a cone). I have the option to dock to my station, that has some return capabilities, however, I really don't feel like it. Even though I only put it up for situations like this. Instead, I want to try and bring it down without an active heatshield. It takes about 200ÃŽâ€v (out of 1800) to lower my kerbin periapsis, and then 800 for an orbit. So here are my questions: Will my kerbals ever see their families again if I try? What is the most efficient way to de orbit into a safe re entry? Why can't I just let the parts blocking the heat shields burn up, without exploding myself? Thats all. Have a nice 6 hours!