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Everything posted by Force21

  1. But theres also the physics calculations. What if the parachute wasn't structurally sound and if you manually parachuted the craft down, it would tear off? Multiplayer is squads """fix""" (major quotes) for this as one person manning the launch stage and another on the orbit stage can let everything be recovered without danger or switching back and forth losing the whole mission.
  2. I had seen these folders in the past but had no idea they weren't doing anything!
  3. I think he means the complexity of the rocket, like in Spore where the creatures have complexity meters meaning you can only have so many things in one creation. Like a part limit but with each part having a certain level of complexity.
  4. Or maybe the stubby legs don't have to fold out at all, swapping that trait to be a lot more sturdy. Like being able to withstand 20mps impacts i guess. (I wouldn't know what's not safe because I always am )
  5. We can already contain a couple hundred atoms of antimatter in an electro-magnetic sphere in a vacuum chamber. Not for very long, just enough to prepare for tests, like a recent one in which scientists released the nano sized glob of anti-atoms from it's confinement. After about a second, a small explosion was heard like a firecracker, and thus we learned that the antimatter moved out of where it was contained... That's about it... Nobody knows much about the stuff, but what we know for certain is that it's ~100 times more explosive than a hydrogen bomb in relative size of reactant. So yes, if we can contain and produce massive quantities of the stuff, bombs will be made Oh yeah and rocket fuel
  6. Hook it up to a carbon nanotube wire and force as much current as I can through it, hopefully finding that the tube still has no resistance to electricity.
  7. 1. What is your name? 2. What is your quest? 3. What is the air speed velocity of an unladen swallow? Sorry I had to say that
  8. I personally think it's wrong to incorporate someone else's designs into your own. I've always made my own designs for everything and never copy someone else's, which has been very easy to do with my terrible memory.
  9. I had built a craft with hardly any tech capable of getting to the mun and back with a cargo of 1 Jeb. The craft worked perfectly except for a staging mishap in Kerbin orbit and a slightly too low engine (1 out of 3) when landing on the Mun, but other than that everything went well. The ship landed, jeb took all the science from his ship and brought it to the capsule of his new rescue ship which is connected to a reaction wheel and then connected to the Mk 1 airplane capsule. Getting back was flawless, except for the parachute. I had only put chutes on the airplane capsule, not the rescue one. So when the chutes deployed, I was powerless watching Jeb's capsule snap off from Bill's and plummet to the ground... An hour of work reverted away Next time I'll put a chute on Jeb's capsule as well. Sorry for the lack of pictures, I didn't think I would need any (even though it was my first rescue mission ever out of the 2 years I've been playing).
  10. Looks like stable guidance system for just traversing to a proper landing site. Real life rocket tests are a lot simpler than what we do
  11. Granted. But now the engine mods are useless. I wish we had complicated resources to mine.
  12. I don't remember my first rocket cause I started playing at 0.13.1
  13. Maybe tweaking your wheels to have more powerful suspension could cost a constant flow of electricity? That makes sense to me, cause if they have that power all the time with no cost, why not use it? It'll also make the non-kerbolarpanel electric generator more effective cause its smaller and can work at night, and the only reason you should have to increase suspension strength is if the rover is already really heavy.
  14. the B.O.M.B.: Basic Orbital ... dang i forgot what it stands for.. It's a 3 man manuevering ship that hooks things up to my space station, including an enormously huge array of struted solar panels
  15. Landing legs now have working hydraulics, which are horribly underpowered and squish under the weight of any good-sized full fuel tank. Also a major pain for any base builders who use legs as support, because they can squish under weight, the ability for units to dock together is now very difficult.
  16. I only have this mod installed in ksp and every time I click on the vab after starting the game, it crashes to desktop almost instantly.
  17. SPAAAAACE! Oh and being able to set my own challenges in different space programs.
  18. Then why not remove the quicksave and revert features all together? If they entice players to cheat and have a perfect game, just remove it.
  19. If something crashes into the anchored structure, instead of physics quickly being enabled on it, the whole thing could just blow up. It'll save processing power, and its makes sense cause you wouldnt want to crash into the structure anyway
  20. LOL nobody likes Bop yet.. just like Bob!
  21. Oh no... I can't choose between Eve Online and KSP...
  22. At KSC waiting for the next trip to the Mun, because the two way trip to Duna is still under testing. And my lifter for the interplanetary engine can't get off the ground... Maybe I really do need more struts?..
  23. Okay wow, that's a bit too kerbal for me x) .. I'd compare my journeys to Scott Manly's Interstellar Quest. A slow realistic progression but returning everything in the process. I think the only probes I used were a "weather" satellite which failed to collect any major amount of science, and the interplanetary transfer stage to Duna which is still undergoing testing.
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