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Everything posted by DivideByZero

  1. I second the wording change. Having to launch new missions for each stage of the construction phase is OK for the mun/minmus but wouldn't scale well outside the Kerbin system. Setting up a base on Laythe would take 2-3 years for the scan contract (launch window + travel time), another 2-3 years for the rover, another 2-3 years for the habitat... Better to just be able to send one mission with a scanner, rover, habitat, crew, etc in one go and land them down one after another.
  2. Yes, you can target them by turning on flags in the map view and hiding the rovers/capsules/miscellaneous stuff that's bound to get in the way.
  3. Success! We are go for base construction! Thanks for the speedy debugging, gents!
  4. No luck, I'm afraid. I cleared all contracts with F12, warped through 2-3 sets of new offered contracts, force-checked requirements again (no change), warped through 2-3 sets of contracts, etc. Is there a way to manually force the scan contract to appear for a particular body?
  5. I'm having an issue getting the "First Probe to another Planet" contract to complete and am wondering if I'm just doing something wrong here: I have an unmanned probe on a Kerbin escape trajectory, targeting Duna, with a course that will take it well inside the orbit of Ike. There are no moons in the way, it's a clean encounter. However the "Destination: Duna" portion of the contract remains unchecked. Debug screenshot here: http://imgur.com/DNlaZNg Now, the trajectory is flickering between this encounter and a close-approach-non-encounter since I'm still inside Kerbin's SOI. Does it have to settle for a given period before the destination becomes valid? I can settle it during time warp but that doesn't work. Obviously if I warp out of SOI I'll no longer be on an escape vector and that portion of the contract will fail.
  6. Alt-f10 debug link: http://imgur.com/MjCJZqJ That Requirement: Orbit (Moho) looks funny to me since I've never been there in this save. KSP.log: https://www.dropbox.com/s/hqyrhft57jbfrq6/KSP.log?dl=0 I'm also running the contract packs: ScanSatLite, Advanced Progression, and KerbinSpaceStation and not seeing any issues there that I can identify. edit: wrong screenshot, here's the correct one showing that Moho requirement: http://imgur.com/sYov8UN
  7. I'm having an issue where the initial base scan contract isn't appearing, even after multiple landings on mun/minmus. I've had the contract pack installed since the start of this save. The debug menu shows a number of parameters & expressions with warnings, mostly down towards the bottom of the base scan contract, but I can't make sense of them to determine what's missing. Any ideas?
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