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Sando Mutt

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Everything posted by Sando Mutt

  1. Having same issue, but with "The Monster" a "beauty" weighting 2400 Tn. Three liquid Stages + 8 SRB, all procedural, plus lots of Sepatrons to help stagging. Part count is about 130, loading time +5 minutes. Other than this, this beast can fly flawessly (well, can fly... on the launching process usually the launch pad gets destroyed, either on loading, or when the SRB ignite).
  2. My current understanding of the issues with repeatability of launches is that they are related to aerodynamics more than kOS engine. In my tests I have used my script at different hours of the day, and the results are greatly different, more than 500m. of difference; if you repeat the launch at the same time, each one will be different also, but the interval is well inside 100m. between the lowest to the highest altitude. I do not know the details of the stock aerodynamical model, but my best results occur at 5:00h Kerbin time, which is also the hottest hour. So I tempted to consider that the aero model takes into account temperature of air, increasing and decreasing respectively the density of the atmosphere, which of course affects drag and thus flight profile. Please, try then my script at just that hour, to see if that is the "problem". Also I have tested Padishar script 6 times at 5:00h Kerbin time, my results: 61986 62023 62023 62011 62002 62017 And at 2:05h Kerbin time, the coolest hour: 61369 61378 61404 61437 61432 61422 I find that values totally in line with my results. So I think this validates my new entries, Padishar ones and mhoran tests, and makes Padishar script a really good one, capable of reaching 62000m. solidly. Congrats man, try it at 5:00H and post your result to update the leaderboard. To finish, a new entry in manual mode 62096m.: Just the same flight profile as in my previous entry, but with a very adjusted timing in the thrust changes. Launch time: 5:00h Kerbin time.
  3. Ok folks, I have made another tests batch (adding perhaps about 60 launches), in manual and kOS mode. I have bested my previous attempts by a good margin, see the results: Manual launch: 61904m. I have been very careful to get an uniform performance, repeating this flight profile at least 10 times, and getting consistent results above 61800: Launch with SAS on at 100% throttle SAS to prograde At 620m/s of vertical speed reduce throttle to 28% Maintain speed at all moment below 620m/s, reducing throtte bit a bit as needed. At 10000m of altitude, throttle to 68% At 25000m of altitude, SAS on stability assist kOS scripted: 62116 // set vars for launch profile declare maxs to 620.0. declare maxalt to 10000.0. declare ft to 0.68. // prepare vessel. lock throttle to 1.0. sas on. wait 2.0. // launch vessel stage. wait 1.0. set sasmode to "PROGRADE". wait until ship:verticalspeed>maxs. declare currt to 0.28. declare tref to 0.28. // throttle value for still vertspeed // set control loop for vertspeed declare i to 0. print ship:verticalspeed + " vs". until ship:altitude>maxalt { declare ap to (maxs - ship:verticalspeed) / (250 * (currt / tref) ). set currt to currt+ap. if currt<tref-0.15 { set currt to tref-0.15. } if currt>tref { set currt to tref. } lock throttle to currt. set i to i + 1. print ship:verticalspeed + " updating throttle to " + currt + " on step " + i. wait 0.1. } lock throttle to ft. wait until altitude>25000.0. set sasmode to "STABILITYASSIST".// stategy 1 for triple-g Goddard problem This script is a kOS translation of the previous manual profile launch. This night I will be doing a few more tries, to test parameter space. I can say also that when you launch matters a lot. I have got more than 500m of difference between best and worst result at different hours. Also I have tried adamgerd profile. So far I have been able to arrive only to 61600m. so I think also that his result is dubious and there is something different between his installation and ours.
  4. Making a long story short, working in my KIA project (You'll have news soon) this awesome kommsat was produced: To put it into orbit I had to design a vehicle capable of inserting about 6000Kgr. in Keosynchronus Transfer Orbit (KTO); not willing to waste much time on it, the Bellatrix family of launchers was created: a tristaged Skipper Hammer boosted (atmospheric)-Reliant (LKO)-Terrier (KTO) beauty, quite difficult to pilot, but cheap and more than able to do the job. After doing more than 20 launches (with a few funny failures) the idea started to percolate my mind: how much mass can this thing put in Keosynchronus Equatorial Orbit? The one I was using for the kommsat missions had 6 Hammer SRBs, and the Rockomax Fuel Tank has enough circumference to harbour 4 more, so then appeared it: The Bellatrix 10P: After doing the initial tests, it was evident that it was able to put around 7000 Kgr. of payload in KEO with a fine launch. After some more tests, and adjusting the flight profile, it got its final certification: 9000 kgr. to KTO, and if the payload uses monopropellant for final circularization, 7350 Kgr. in KEO. But, of course, certification only means that that is what it can do "easily". An then the challenge was born: The Bellatrix 10P KEO Challenge Mission: you will have in your hands a shiny new Bellatrix 10P with a dummy payload composed of an RGU, battery, solar panels, antenna, monopropellant tanks and dead weight in the form of ore and fuel tanks, all propelled by 6 Puff engines; launch it and put these payload in KEO. Objective: Put in KEO as much mass as you can. Rules: You can not alter in any form the design of the launcher nor its payload, by adding, removing or repositioning any of its parts. You can modify the amount of ore and fuel in the payload tanks that provide dead mass to change the mass of the payload. You can modify the amount of fuel in any of the tanks of the launcher and SRBs, including the monopropellant tanks of the payload. You can alter the thrust power and detachment sequence of SRBs. KSP 1.0.4 must be used. FAR, Procedural Firings, Nebula Decals, Firespitter Core and TweakScale mods are mandatory. You can not use any other mod nor MM cfg file that alter in any form the physics of the game. The final orbit must be inside this limits to qualify as a successful atempt: Inclination: <0.08º. Eccentricity: <0.0005. Period: 6H ± 0.01s. Stationary Longitude: 15ºW ± 5'. The payload must have enough monopropellant for 50m/s of ÃŽâ€v. Mission time must be less than 100 days. You must post a KSP screenshot with the mandatory orbit parameters visible to be able to join the Hall of Honour and earn Achievement Plaques. This rule list can be modified to balance and cover any problem that might show up. Awards: A Hall of Honour will recognize and list the achievement of all the entrants that follow rule 9. Also the following special Achievement Plaques will be awarded for those of you that: Bronze KEO Challenge plaque for mass at KEO of 7600Kgr. or more Silver KEO Challenge plaque for mass at KEO of 7800Kgr. or more Gold KEO Challenge plaque for mass at KEO of 8000Kgr. or more This plaques will have engraved the payload mass and the name of the entrant. Downloads: FAR mod at http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/20451-1-0-4-Ferram-Aerospace-Research-v0-15-4-1-Goldstein-7-29-15 Procedural Firings mod at http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/39512-1-0-4-Procedural-Fairings-3-15-(June-27) Nebula Decals mod at http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/100984-0-25-NEBULA-space-engineering-Decals-Update!-Quality-fix-more (yes, it works with up to date Firespitter) Firespitter mod (Nebula dependency) at http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/24551-Firespitter-propeller-plane-and-helicopter-parts-v7-1-%28May-5th%29-for-KSP-1-0. You only need the DLL to make work Nebula Decals TweakScale mod (Nebula Dependency) at http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/112693 Bellatrix 10P and MM cfg for the decals used in the ship in https://s3.amazonaws.com/mutt-space/KEOchall/Bellatrix+10P+KEO+Challenge.zip. Put the included MuttSpace folder in the GameData folder as with any other mod. And that is all. Good luck and have fun! - - - Updated - - - HALL OF HONOUR Gold Plaque of Achievement winners none Silver Plaque of Achievement winners none Bronze Plaque of Achievement winners Sando Mutt @ 7728 Rest of Challengers none - - - Updated - - - And here comes my best attempt so far: And with it, I'm granted the first Plaque of Achievement:
  5. Ok, after working in this interesting challenge, here comes my entry: Manual control, mods: KER+VOID for launch data, part commander for fine tuning the launch profile and handling the engines in flight. The launch profile: At prelaunch, SAS on, engines at 100% and full throttle After liftoff, SAS on prograde When the rocket reachs about 620m/s of vertical speed, reduce the engines to 26% Reduce throttle bit a bit trying to maintain the vertical speed till about 80% throttle At 10000m altitude, engines at 100% till exhaustion After the drag is low enough that the shock layer disappears, SAS on stability assist I'm convinced that this launch is far from optimal, and tweaking and adjusting the profile can add may be even 100 metres of altitude. I think that 62Km is even possible, but probably very very tricky.
  6. ¡Aha!. Como dicen los anglos, WIP. Pero no os preocupéis, en cuanto tenga algo más sólido voy a abrir un post para justo eso, ¡opiniones! Para ir abriendo boca, un par de imagenes: -Los planos de una versión avanzada de un kommsat keosíncrono: -Una pequeña modificación del diseño de arriba ya en el espacio:
  7. Tengo el KSP desde finales del 2014, y es un placer jugar cuando tengo tiempo. Ahora tengo en mente el proyecto KIA, y por eso entro en el foro, para recabar opiniones y pulir el concepto. Saludos desde España!
  8. Hi everybody, just one more kerman onbaord. Being playing the game from the end of 2014, and enjoying every bit of it. This is the kerbonaut child dream made real, in an special flavour. Now working on a personal project: KIA. I hope you will like it, salutations from Spain!.
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