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Everything posted by RoketMan

  1. Do you mean Kerbal Stuff is down? If so, I have the same problem.
  2. what format should I put it into edit it in paint? Because now that I can use image magic, it will be done at home not school. Sorry about the empty quote, I don't know how to get rid of that.
  3. I have looked up those tools, and I think I'm going to go with image magick. Thank you for the suggestion! I believe that I can set it so that it does not repeat. There are textures that if it did repeat that it would mess up, and it doesn't repeat.
  4. Here is a design on a (crude) model od a PF. (Model on Sketchup)
  5. I am using the moded fairings, and all I want to do is make a green fairing with a flag on it. Ideally, I would like something like a green farong with a white strip in the bottom with a flag on the strip with the kW interior.is there any way to make that esaly? I am NOT a mod maker. I will add a picture of my design later.
  6. Procedural fairings are different. They need a specific texture format, and I can't do that for them, already tried.
  7. So, I saw this thread and I saw gimp, but is there a way to directly convert .DDS to .jpeg Imogene so it would be easier to edit? Because my school has gimp, and I don't want to get into trouble installing 3rd party plugins. edit** I realized I said testers folder, supposed to say texture folder.
  8. I'm trying this was procedural fairings and procedural fairings for everything also have the realism overhaul set of mods
  9. So, I tried to edit the textures with the pictures that are in the testers folder, but paint nor gimp will open them. How am I supposed to edit these? Am I able to edit these?
  10. The update is not on CKAN. also, it says when I try to try to load the craft: "There are invalid crafts in your folder. Would you like to delete them?" I clicked no, but it has them dulled out in the craft selecting window. Is there a mod that I need to know about that you used?
  11. It's OK. If you find a fix for it, you can go ahead and put it in the mod, otherwise I don't think it's a very big deal.
  12. Either my internet is slow today, or Kerbal Stuff is down. . . OK, CKAN said error, Kerbal stuff is down! Or at least yours is. Is there another download?
  13. Huh, I didn't know the heat shield jettisoned, or that it had airbags.
  14. OK, I have a question? Will the top part of the capsule, the part is covering the parachute, come off the capsule?
  15. OK, I'm not using Aerojet Kerbodyne because the mod is like, hopelessly out of date, along with SDHI having tons of bugs. I am in 1.0.5, and I don't want to break my save. Otherwise, this is a great mod pack, and I guess I'll just have use it for cargo missions, Because I cannot find an Orion capsule in your mod
  16. wow! That looks awesome! What modeling software are you using? Also, I found out why I could not find the SLS tank. Module manager seems to be making it so that it does not show up on the normal menu. I have to go dig around in the filters to find it. Does anyone know how to fix that? I found out why it's not showing up, it's because of this: Category = propulsion Subcategory = 1 And it's doing this to a lot of the parts in your mod for me.
  17. This is what happens when I try to use CMES: http://imgur.com/a/KrN9w What am I doing wrong?
  18. I have t6his install that I was really proud of, because it is hyper modded, but it has not crashed once. then when I was making a jool probe, I noticed there was only 2 parachutes, the tiny drogue ones. Help please? Image of Gamedata:
  19. Hmmmm.... It seems like a lot of my engines don't have a real fuels config, but some do. Could it possibly be another mod is interfering?
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