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Everything posted by TomG117

  1. I have come back from an orbital survey around Kerbin, and collected science over the different biomes, but when I hit the resources tab for Kerbin (when in the tracking station at the space center) it just has a message saying "No resource data available you will need to perform an orbital survey first". I'm very new to KSP so I don't know if there is just a simple reason for this or if I am missing a step. thanks in advance
  2. actually as at turns out I was in fact collecting all the science, it only listed the return of a vessel after I recovered the craft, but all the other science was added. Is there any way to see how much science you have accumulated whilst in a mission?
  3. Hey there, I'm completely new to KSP and this forum so please forgive me if this thread is out of place. I just flew a mission to Minmus and collected lots of science, opening goo containers and materials bays, and as I was doing that I got messages saying +20 science, +15 science, so i thought I would be collecting LOTS of science, but when I returned and recovered the vessel, I only gained 15 science for the recovery of a vessel that flew by Minmus. Where did all my science go? I did load from a quicksave a few times, would that have anything to do with it? The KSP version I have is and I am running on Windows 8.1 64 bit. the only mods I have installed are the particle cloud effects and TextureReplacer. Thanks in advance
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