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    Bottle Rocketeer

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  1. More parts! Colonization! Multiplayer! Making a monster, direly unrealistic launch... and the system using all the memory I have to do it!
  2. Cupola delivery Requirements - C&C for ends of station Build: Micro node hub, big beam, flares/adaptors, separators, sr docks, cupolas, mechjeb, monoprop tanks, rcs thrusters Launcher: Huge5 launcher with soloar, remot piloting, etc Status: Successful! Deliveries both cupolas was successful, the station is built! Delivery vehicle de-orbited..Valerie wanted to try landing it. It blew up, (not enough fuel to stop safely).
  3. I need to get more pics up. the cupola's were attached, and i have a lot of screen shots from ships moving to and from the station. However trying to add the fuel to the fuel depot side keeps making the station wiggle about and then break into many pieces. Not figured out how to stop that. i may try a diff autostrut plan (grandfather part vs heaviest part). But yeah, right now, not looking good for the KSS!
  4. It has pictures now! Now I need to attached the Cupola's and all that fun stuff! Sadly, I will be out for the weekend, so this was as much as I could do today.
  5. Yeah, I need to get on that. I've uploaded most of them, jut not worked them into the posts (yet). Turns out most my writing portion of this happens at work where I cannot get to the pictures....and when I am home....well that's where KSP is...
  6. Fuel Depot Module Requirements: Docking for large amounts of fuel pods. Minimum of 4 normal docking ports and 8+ large docking ports. Build: FL-R1 RCs tank hub, with large docking ports on either side of it with 2x Modular Girder XL segments for each of the 4 spokes/arms 2x large docking ports on the outboard side of the girders, 2x normal docking ports on the inboard side per each of the 4 arms. Each arm ended in a reaction wheel and large docking port. Launcher: Huge 5, with mechjeb and an RC-l01 RGU + 4 XL solar arrays Status: Failure! Liftoff good After first stage separation the entire craft began to tumble about. ground control attempted to regain stability in the vehicle. Second stage separation resulted in a collision and 'rapidly disassembly' the delivery vehicle, leaving a small portion attached to the Fuel Depot Module - which splashed down near the Island Airfield. Some parts were recovered, and another was hastily built. Round 2: Thought was that the reaction wheels at the ends of the module might be throwing the craft off balance. They were disabled for the duration of the flight. Liftoff good Entire vehicle starts tumbling at 4000M Rapid disassembly after 2nd stage separation Fuel depot Module splash down north of the Island Airfield. Some parts were recovered, and another was hastily built. Round 3: Thinking the aerodynamics of the large docking ports might be the issue, large nose cones were attached to each upward facing port (9 total). Entire vehicle starts tumbling at 7000M Rapid disassembly after 2nd stage separation Fuel depot Module splash down north of the Island Airfield. Some parts were recovered, and yet another was hastily built. Round 4: Vertical assent plan - no orbital turn. Not efficient, but should be able to get to space! Some tumbling after first stage separation but ground control as able to stabilize. vehicle made it to space, and was able to achieve an orbit, but the inclination was off, and not enough fuel left to correct, much less rendezvous with KSS. Spent remaining fuel getting inclination as normal as possible. When asked by the press, Bobak Kerman was quoted, "Hey, at least it's in *^&*%#! space!" With the Module in space, a new mission was planned with great haste. Fuel Depot Module actual delivery (for real): Requirements: Something to go get the damn thing and deliver it to the KSS Build: Huge 5, with mechjeb and an RC-l01 RGU + 4 XL solar arrays and a large docking port, and RSC fuel and thrusters Status: Success! Automated unit made orbit with no issues and ejected the aerodynamic nose cone from the docking port. Successful rendezvous with the Fuel Depot Module, which then (and only then) was when everyone remembered it had 9 large nose cones on it. they were all released and thus made docking look very crowded in space. Mission Control toyed with the idea of just transferring fuel to the original vehicle, but it was decided to abandon that craft in favor of the one that actually did it's job (even though they are almost identical). Depot module released from the original vehicle and made its' way to the KSS. Rendezvous with KSS was successful! The Large Tug, originally moved to the port where this module would be installed, in preparation to retrieve it, was moved to the science module to clear the way. Delivery vehicle used to attached module directly to station. Station commander Valentina Kerman threatened to space Bill if he did anything to that now already docked, perfectly safe delivery vehicle-become-fuel tank. She also preemptively had him stuffed into a storage locked where there were no computers to access. Several kerbonauts on the station noticed their beloved commander giggling maniacally. It has been asked just how long she's been in space, and no one can really recall (though most agree it had to be early on in the initial stages of the Mun Program, so at least 20 years). *** Note - The KSS is two cupolas from completion! *** **** Post Note Note - No fraking idea what was wrong with the flight of this damned module. But it got there. Ugh...
  7. Space Wharf (I just like the goofy term) Requirements: Able to host at least 4 of each sized docking port Lots of room Control center* Build: Mk1 crew cabins as arms off a FL-R1 RCs tank hub, with large docking ports on either side of it. End of arms have large docking ports and control wheels Mid of arms have another cabin sticking out with normal docks Jr docking port on reverse of the normal ones * Control center to be delivered later - to be attached to center large dock Launcher: Huge 5, with mechjeb and an RC-l01 RGU + 4 XL solar arrays Status: Success! Liftoff good! 1st stage separation good 2nd stage separation good 16+ days for the rendezvous...So lots of waiting. Those Kerbals sitting on the KSS were getting bored, and so some decided to try eat the science experiments. All thus far produced science was lost, however, those kerbals have been quarantined and are not the new science experiments. Valentina is confident they will actually get more science from this. As the module arrived, it had to move to the far end of the station. Slowly, carefully. That dance around the station has gotten to be pretty intense (in a high-energy paint dry watching sorta way). Large tug was used to pull the module from the delivery vehicle, and install to the station. KSS can now support 90 kerbals and many various sized craft! ...... Also.... Bill hacked the Remote pilot unit of the devilry vehicle and sent it to 'land' back on Kerbin... Valentina was not pleased.
  8. Fuel delivery! Requirements: Get monoprollent to the KSS and the KST1 Deliver new Medium tug to the KSS Build: Re-use of previous Fuel truck build + extra 2.5m Monoprop tank (originally had one) on top of a big orange tank with 2x Mk-55's for final delivery. Medium tug - same as claw tug but without a claw. Launcher: 5 Skipper engines on big orange tanks in asparagus staging, with 4 big SRBs. Crew: None Status: Success. Re-use of prior builds that have proven super effective (sadly the Fuel truck line might be my best build to date as far as efficiency and reliability). Liftoff and all stage separations went flawlessly. 16days of phasing orbits (I am thinking I really could do this better) Having dropped all launcher stages, Fuel Truck 4 completed final rendezvous maneuvers with it's delivery engines. docking went smoothly to the ventral aft docking port of the Command Module. refills all Monoprop tanks of the various KSS service craft, and is topped off with lf/lox from the still attached Spine Delivery Vehicle. As it is docked via the medium tug, it simple undocked from that, leaving the tug in place with the KSS. Fuel truck 4 is then sent to refuel KST1. After some more less than super efficient phasing orbits, rendezvous and docking take place without issue. KST1 takes everything Fuel truck 4 has left, both in monoprop and lf/lox (it still had most of an orange tank). KST1 is now ready for future operations, but remains in current position. Fuel Truck 4 is undocked and discarded. Back at the KSS, the rest of the Spine Delivery Vehicle is discarded, and most solar panels and thermal control systems extended. The original Medium Tug is discarded into space. The KSS is looking good! The structure is there, now it needs the utility areas built and installed. *** Note: Thiis is where I learned about auto struts, so now the KSS doesn't behave like drunk Gumby after a 2 week bender (yes, there are so many bad jokes there...just take it all in)*** **** Post Note Note: I have uploaded pictures! But still not organized them into the posts here yet...I know...I still suck ****
  9. Habitat spine Delivery! Why make 4 deliveries when you can make ONE huge delivery? Requirements: Deliver 4 Habitat Spine segments to the KSS and install them. Build: Modules already build, same as prior Habitat Spine segment...only 4 of them this time... Launcher: (there is a lot wrong with me/the rocket engineer at the VAB) An utterly retarded semi-asparagus staged 5x 2.5m rockets with Skipper engines welded together (with space between) with a Spine Module on top of the outer 4, and more fuel on the center. Designed to drop just the dead engines (keeping the orange tank and Modules on top) from outside to inside. Bolted to the center are two MASSIVE Kerbodyne rockets with the Mammoth engines. Crew: None Status: Success. Liftoff of this monster actually happened without anything exploding, falling off at the wrong time, tumbling about or any other real issues. In fact, this was an oddly good (if utterly implausible) build. Massive rockets broke off fine, and once in orbit, the 4 outer engines were dropped off, leaving a single skipper to power the whole thing. 20+ days of phasing orbits later and rendezvous went nominally. Not a lot of fuel left over, so not even adding another huge bomb to the mix. It did become clear however that this beast was not getting anywhere near the station with all the other craft docked to it. Valentina Kerman ordered KST1 (with rescue Rig 1 attached to it) to break away...which they did...and then realized they were out of monopropellant , so they had no way to re-dock. They are presently about 8km from the station, drifting peacefully. The new Large Tug was sent to the delivery craft, and it managed (with some helpful re-orienting of the KSS) to dock to the aft large docking port of the Command Module. The Medium and Claw tugs (claw tug with the normal to large docking port adapter) were then used to pluck Spine segments off one at a time, and attach them to the one currently on the command module. And then realized the first two were installed upside down... Some un-docking/rotate/re-docking fixed that. Last two installations went smoothly, though the monopropellant brought up on the delivery stage is also now nearly depleted...the KSS needs more. That was a lot of space dancing! It was at then Bill Kerman decided he was not comfortable with those large half spent stages cruising about near 'his' growing station, so as chief engineer he hacked into the Tracking Center and released the magic physics field that keeps all things bound together for those two items (AKA, they were terminated as to not crash into the station at some time down the road...and I figure that in the Kerbal dimension, all things want to break, and is their natural state to explode, but are sometimes held together by the magic physics field, which can be disrupted. Thus you can destroy/terminate even single parts with no radio/etc). Valentina was quite upset, yelling at him that she wanted that fuel, and it was already in orbit and it was a huge waste. Bill, reportedly, just stood there, eating a snack while she ranted, then went back to his station without a word...but a slight smirk.... Mission successful! Kerbin Space Station now capable of supporting 66 kerbals! Lessons learned/impact: KST1 still adrift some 7KM away and growing...and also out of monopropellant (will need to re-supply that before it can re-dock with anything). “Medium” tug is problematic, in that it has no where near enough battery life (forgot to put one on...). However, I do not foresee needing it further. It will be discarded soon.
  10. KSS - Habitat Spine and Large tug (Year 32, Day 146, 4 h, 59 min) ***Note: This is what happened when you spend all day thinking about the parts, but not how to get them there... *** Requirements: Habitat Spine: Modular to be assembled in space Connects/transports all power/fuels cooling throughout station Some power generation Some active cooling Reaction wheels to help a growing station re-orient as it grows Large Tug: Move large parts around easier! Spine Build: Starting with an Mk2 in-line docking port, with a large docking port on the reverse side. To each side of the above add a Mk2 Crew cabin, and a Mk2 to small fuel tank a Rockomax adapter, large reaction wheel and a large docking port. 4 XL solar arrays (2x on each crew cabin) 2x medium thermal control Systems (on sides of in-line docking port). Tug Build: Build all in 2.5m parts, mirrored top and bottom Large docks large reaction wheels Large mono prop tanks with 4x RSC thrusters each Payload bay with large batteries and PB-NUKs (6 in each bay, 12 total) Fuel tank with 8 vernor engines mounted, 2 kerbal seats, mechjeb and comm antenna, and two MK-55 engines (this is center item, what is above is mirrored below) Launcher: Having far more money than sense, it was decided to stack the tug on top of the spine, wrap both up in a massive protective shell, and put a large, Rhino engine based, rocket below all that. To keep this from tipping all over, and actually get such an ill-conceived idea to space, two huge S3 KS-25x4 based rockets were built and attached to the sides (via some long framing). The Rhino would be fueled from the massive tanks of the side rockets before they separated. They could have launched these parts separately, off already overpowered and proven launch vehicles...but they did this instead. No one knows why. Status: Success.... Lift off was a success, and initial orbit went far smoother than anyone had any right to expect. 'Booster'/retarded sized rockets welded to the sides separation was good. It was then that things got interesting. The protective shell was jettisoned and orbit proceeded on only the Rhino and it's only moderately ridiculous tank. As this was a top heavy, unbalanced monster - connected via docking ports not proper separators - there was a lot of 'bounce' and 'bend' to any maneuver. A set of delicate burns that made a totally unmanned vehicle look drunk commenced for a few weeks until Mission control said "close enough" and cut the delivery stage loose (for those following at home, this is now 2 large, half fueled Kerbodyne based stages floating semi- near the KSS - I am sure nothing will go wrong...). To prevent burning the habitat spine module to a bunch of scored pieces, the tug was moved from the top (pulling) to the bottom of the spine (to push). It then completed the rendezvous with the KSS. ***Note: And then the game crashed. Totally different then last time (whole computer froze). Thanks again to Squad's auto saves as I have not even had a chance to hit F5 *** The large tug was docked to the rear area of the Command Module (intended for future expansion to a shipyard). The medium Tug then grabbed the Spine module via the center in-line docking port, and mated the large docking port to the station on top of the Command Module. Medium tug remains attached there at this time. The Station now has a capability of 34 kerbals, and growing, with 3 remote tug/service vehicles, a Mun lander (the Rescue Rig 1) and the terrible Kerbin System Transport 1. Future Plans: A large amount of momoproellent needs to be delivered to the KSS The two floating bombs/large delivery stages floating nearby with no control over them at all need to be captured and fuel unloaded (or else gotten rid of). Two (or) more Habitat Spine sections need to be delivered Rescue Rig 1 and the KST1 need to be prepped and flown to Minmus for Kerbonaut retrieval operations (and brought back) Fuel depot and a better docking area/space wharf need to be developed for the KSS (one at either end of the Habitat Spine) Fly all these retrieved Kerbals home!
  11. KSS - Science & Utility Module Requirements: A mobile Processing lab Lots of battery storage Some power generation A bunch of science stuff! Relay ability Build: Science Lab 3x payload bays full of batteries, 12x PB-NUK RTGs, mechjebs, and science storage containers 2x RA-15 relay antennas 2xGigantor XL Solar Arrays 2x M4435 narrow band scanners A slew of other science parts A normal to Senior docking port adapter Attached Medium tug ( like the claw tug but with vernor engines an a lf/lox tank in addition to the monoprop tank/thrusters) Launcher: Huge5 Launcher (with a cut down center stage) with a large protective shell Crew: None - all remote guidance Plan: Get to orbit, rendezvous, and then med tug will move module into place. Status: Success! Good liftoff, good separation on stages 1 and 2, achieved initial orbit. Rendezvous took over 14 days to complete - good thing this is a robot ship! Docking of the lab module was an ordeal. Forced to abandon the delivery rocket, as it was too unwieldy to dock successfully attached to the module (it is now adrift 200+ meters from the KSS). Initially docked to a normal port with the tug. Valentina Kerman had to order the other craft currently docked to the station moved to make room (clearance issues on the ventral side where the module goes) - the early KSS was already crowded! Much 'dock dancing' was done to re-position everything to make room. Attempts to use just the medium tug to move the Science and Utility Module into place were unsuccessful (not balanced). In the end they used the Claw Tug on the opposite side to provide RSC at both ends. Docking was successful, but required some undocking/turning/re-docking to get the module into the correct orientation. it was then locked down firmly in place, solar arrays extended and science module populated from the various passengers already on board. Science was now being conducted on the KSS! It was noted that after all these maneuvers, the station and all attached craft are running very low on monopropellant. Lessons learned: This was my first ‘dead weight’ module with no RSC/SAS of its own - this is a bad plan - Really need to re-think the KSS tug situation Obstructing the crew hatch with stuff makes it hard to get to those crew to transfer them (specifically the passenger module of the command module - easy to get kerbals in, a chore to get them out
  12. Meanwhile... Retrieve crew of the Kerbin Station Prime A ( very...very..) old station that was sent up when the e M700 survey Scanner was first procured. It turns out, due to poor piloting, it's on a retrograde polar orbit, so really inefficient to get to. Requirements: Get to the station with a rescue vehicle Vehicle must be capable of bringing back 4 additional kerbonauts Install remote control capabilities and M4435 narrow band scanner (leave behind module) Return (safely) to Kerbin Bonus: Leave behind fuel for the station for future maneuvers (de-orbit in the future?) Land at KSC Build: Custom craft (dubbed KSP Delivery and Service craft) stacked on top of each other Craft: Pretty standard 2.5m lander (hitchhiker, Mk1-2 command pod, fuel, parachute, etc). Small fuel tank and poodle engine for final stage. Science module: small payload bay with batteries/remote guidance unit, two small monoprop tanks, 8 RCS thrusters, docking ports at either end. Launcher: Heavy lifter 5.4.1 (5 main stage engines asparagus congif, 4 Solid Rocket boosters, 1 engine secondary stage) Crew: Malming Kerman Status: Failed. Liftoff and all stage separation went well, but due to completely crap piloting, failed to reach the target (headed north instead of south, so was in opposite orbit). Returned to Kerbin. Great shame was brought to his family. Attempt Two: Build: Custom craft (dubbed KSP Delivery and Service craft) stacked on top of each other Craft: Pretty standard 2.5m lander (hitchhiker, Mk1-2 command pod, fuel, parachute, etc) Small fuel tank and poodle engine for final stage. Science module: small payload bay with batteries/remote guidance unit, two small monoprop tanks, 8 RCS thrusters, docking ports at either end. Launcher: An old UpGoer7D that was sitting about in Jeb's Junk Yard was selected (7 mainsails engines in asparagus congif, 14 Kickback Solid Rocket boosters - this is a very old design I had sitting in the custom assembly and was used for Mun-shots without any orbital turn...) Crew: Malming Kerman Status: Failed. Orbital turn + separating 14 SRB's = kaboom. Not Malming 's fault (for the explosion). He was able to separate his craft from the spinning, burning death spiral of doom, pop parachutes and land just north of the KSC (...we're not mentioning that he went the wrong way again...) *** Note: This was still on first day of this project...the same day I failed to realize "print screen" was not getting screen caps. Yes, I am a damn genius. *** Attempt Three: Year 32, Day 146, 1 h, 29 min (figured I might start putting time stamps on these things) Build: Custom craft (dubbed KSP Delivery and Service craft) stacked on top of each other Craft: Pretty standard 2.5m lander (hitchhiker, Mk1-2 command pod, fuel, parachute, etc) Small fuel tank and poodle engine for final stage. Science module: small payload bay with batteries/remote guidance unit, two small monoprop tanks, 8 RCS thrusters, docking ports at either end. Launcher: Redesigned UpGoer7E (1- Yes I totally stole the UpGoer name from XKCD, 2- Yes I have problems) - Still 7 mainsails engines in asparagus configuration, but with 4 sepratron's each to push them away from the craft no matter it's angle in atmosphere. Crew: Neby Kerman Status: Success! Liftoff was smooth, stage 1 separation was 'sub nominal' but did not impact flight (had a sepratron on wrong stage). Stage 2 separation was good. Initial orbit achieved before stage 3 separation. Orbit and rendezvous maneuvers were good. Station retracted solar panels to prepare for docking. Neby Kerman remarks “Damn that is an old, fugly station” from the privacy of her own command pod...but then realizes the mic was hot. *** And then my computer froze... causing much swearing at 'ground control' - thank Squad for that auto save feature '*** Station refueled with left over from orbital stage (should be able to adjust station orbit/de-orbit if needed later). Service Craft re-fueled with monopropellant from the station. Crew of station transferred to the service craft (all while glaring at Neby for her comments about the station they lived on for the past 29+ years) and undocked. Station remote capabilities checked out. Service craft de-orbited with successful splashdown south of KSC (inflatable heat shield deployment drastically altered predicted landing area). Mission duration - 3.5 hours.
  13. Once the station's first module was in place and capable of receiving more kerbals, mission control decided to bring all those kerbonaut's closer to home. Begin retrieval of kerbonauts Requirements: Deliver all retrieved Kerbonauts to the KSS Build: None for this mission, user hardware already in space. Craft: Kerbin System Transport 1 (KST1) (a very poorly made, MK3 based, intra-system transport) Claw Pod (small remote tug with a claw end) Rescue Rig 1 (simple Mun lander and assent craft) Kerbin Space Station - Command Module Crew: Valentina Kerman commanding KST1 Too many passengers to list Status: Success! Having gathered all the various Mun kerbonaut, and likewise previously installing a remote system for the Mun Station, Rescue Rig 1 and a small Claw Pod (small tug remote vehicle) docked to Kerbin System Transport 1 Valentina Kerman broke Mun orbit and headed for the new KSS. The Idea of Rescue Rig 1 being discarded and left to impact Mun was changes as there were not quite enough seats on Kerbin System Transport 1, so it was stuck to the nose, the claw grabbing the 'belly' of the KST1 and off they went! Some simple inclination adjustment and transfer orbits later, and the KST1 (with it's parasite craft) made rendezvous with the KSS. From here some docking port dancing was required. Rescue Rig 1 detaches and then docks to a side port of KSS. Beaselle Kerman is the first visitor to the station (that did not come up with it)! The Claw Pod then detached and docked to the forward ventral port. Only then did the big, unwieldy, KST1 dock with the forward most port. Valentina Kerman, eager to get the hell out of the monstrosity that is the KST1, assumes command of the early KSS. KST1 refueled from delivery stage of the KSS, which is then cut loose. Passengers transferred from KST1 to KSS, with a small stay-behind crew to ready the craft for future missions. *** Note: Will get some pics up soon - I have a couple from the final docking configuration *** **** Note: That weird double cockpit with a passanger module...that's the station. The left side is the hideous KST1, and the right side is the delivery launcher ****
  14. It's a bright new day at Kerbin space center, and the smell of awesome engineering is in the air (mostly that's improper welding techniques in a closed space, and spilled rocket fuel)! Having conducted enough research, the leadership at Rogue Airmen Rockets figured they had enough parts to really get going. to facilitate both the recover of far flung kerbals and the construction of bigger spacecraft in orbit, they decided it was time for a really impressive space station. Most the engineers immediately got drunk and and started sketchiness things out (those that did not get drunk and begin planning had the good sense to quit). First up - a command module. Requirements: 20+ Kerbal capability several initial docking ports functional hub of station (spine/truss/additional habitat will attach to this) Minimal power consumption/generation placed into KSO over KSC Build: Two Mk3 cockpits stuck to a Mk3 passenger module with a multi-point connected stuck to each end with a variety of docking ports. An antenna, mechjeb unit, and some OX-STAT-XL's stapled to the sides. Launch: The newly built Huge5 launch vehicle was selected because they had one handy and it was paid for ( 5 asparagus staged Mammoth engines with a bunch of kerbodyne tanks). Crew: Pilot - Danbrett Kerman Engineer - Bill Kerman Status: Success! Plenty of DeltaV to get to the correct orbit. It took several 'days' to adjust to the proper placement over KSC, and then re-adjust the periapsis. Had about half of the fuel from the final stage left over. This will work well to refuel the Kerbin System Transport 1 that will be on it's way to dock from the Mun with 25 kerbals aboard. ***Like a moron, I failed to get screen caps of the launch and positioning. I will try to suck less at this in the future. ***
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