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Everything posted by vestradeus

  1. Its just stunning to see what people can do with the same parts. Getting an Orange tank to orbit...and I've yet to make SSTO even happen! Awesome!
  2. That is awesome! I've yet to SSTO...but now the ideas!
  3. The first step is admitting you have a problem.... I'm a KSP addict. Relatively new to the program, about to finish the tech tree on Science mode (because cheap and easy space stations + Mobile Processing Labs + warping time for a year = mass science cheating!). I landed a completely ridiculous Munbase, that is self sustaining, has 2 ISRU converters, 2 hitchhiker containers, 2 Mobile Processing Labs, 4 drills, a bunch of ore and fuel storage and 2 big ass engines (along with enough science equip, fuel cells and solar panels to never run out of power) - all as one unit. I don't know why I wanted to do this, but it became an obsession, and last night I got it done. So, I came to the place where people might care, might understand these unhealthy urges that make one forgo sleeping in favor of the utter impractical designs that took 20 some odd stages to get it up there. I came here, where I quickly learned there was a much easier way LOL!
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