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  1. Nice work - TakeCommand + ModuleManager working perfectly via CKAN install.
  2. Love this mod, but had some trouble getting it working on 1.1.2. Turns out that TakeCommand requires ModuleManager 2.6.23, which does not work with KSP 1.1.2. When I updated ModuleManager to 2.6.24, TakeCommand worked perfectly. I was about to post a bug report when I figured it out - thought it might be useful for y'all to know since CKAN automatically installs ModuleManager 2.6.23 when TakeCommand is installed via CKAN. @SeanMcDougall - thanks for your great work on TakeCommand! Recommend updating the required ModuleManager version to 2.6.24 to avoid false positive bug reports in the future..
  3. Awesome work, godarklight! I was able to build the unstable branch at that commit number and tested the server and client using KSP 64 bit build 1184 (local network server on my laptop). All around it works pretty well. Only time I saw things get wonky was when physics warping with a high part count ( x > 350). Some of the KSP UI turned blank white and all right click menus were missing buttons - had to restart KSP to set things back to normal (although the orbits of crafts escaping from Kerbin changed drastically after the restart). I did export a save into a universe instead of starting from scratch (so perhaps that's partly to blame), but overall it behaves in a far more stable manner than I would have predicted. While I haven't tested piloting multiple crafts on different client computers within a ~1 km radius of each other, for an initial port, I'm pleasantly surprised with how functional everything is. Will be testing later tonight as well - I'll try to pay more attention to the debug log this time. Thanks for the great work!
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