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12 Good
  1. Ah, I must have missed that. I can understand that and I find it very odd that people would make such requests of you. Ah well, c'est la vie. I am sure we will all be quite pleased with whatever you come up with. Thanks again for all your hard work! Cheers!
  2. Why are you getting rid of the V-2? Its useful in so many contexts, especially early game, where most of my rockets are derived from it. I humbly ask that you reconsider it's removal.
  3. I check it at least once a day to ensure I haven't missed anything interesting. I think I may have been doing that for most of the last year...my how time flies...
  4. Hello! I have been following this thread for a long time, and I thought I ought to finally make an account and post something. So by way of saying thank you, here is a mission I recently did. A rescue mission to Minmus! https://imgur.com/a/ich55 Cheers!
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