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Everything posted by Colten45

  1. Just for a laugh 6-7 seconds! This is far from stock..... ROFL! I think 'Not totally sure' I might have enough thrust.......
  2. A little back story. I do a gaming stream that I do pretty much everyday. A friend 'Ken' that I introduced minecraft too, he has been hooked on it. Well a few days ago he said He then went onto explain the basic workings of it, I was doing something at the time. But a few hours later and I had it downloaded and was doing the in game tut. Next thing I know I\'ve been up for hours building rockets bigger and bigger getting used to everything. I did my first orbit then I did two orbits. I was close to leo. I just had to build bigger. The next day I was experimenting with many designs. But something was wrong, every time I went to build something big I would build on the fly and would end up messing up the in game symmetry tool. Every time it would mess up I would try to correct it by grabbing an object higher up and trying to get that to place everything right and after many failures I started to manually place things on visual lines on other parts so they would be correct all around. VERY ANNOYING! Still working on using all the things I\'ve learned. But I can say, no stock wobbly rockets being built here any more. So that night I finally built a very nice stable rocket, I was going to the MUN! My first shot I used up all the fuel on the way and just smashed into it. Next time I slowed down and did a very risky full throttle burn right at the last minute. I was slowing down and then I engaged the last stage shooting the command module at the very last second and did a horrible landing forcing Jeb, and poor Bill and Bob stuck on the moon in a tiny command module. I felt bad so next round with the same rocket as the last two times I decided to get into a Munar orbit then return. I was so tired when I landed back on Kerbin all I could do was get up, turn the lights off and goto sleep. The next few days consisted of me making so many ships and so many that I loved because they did exactly what I wanted. But also a ton of misc. ships to test things out, that I now just mash the keyboard in an area that I feel it should be at for the name of it till I know that it isn\'t going to get so big and complicated that I have to manually add single parts. So as I sit here typing this you ask. 'He must be bored' You are right, I am currently watching a craft slowly moving to an Apoapsis of over 3 trillion meters. Note 6 digits are not shown on the alt. Yes if you\'ve never seen a 13+ digit in ksp I shall tell you, you don\'t want to see it. not unless your velocity is at least half that. It is a horribly long process. Stick with smaller challenges of local missions around Kerbin and the Mun. So now you know how I am here typing this, how did you find out about KSP and what have you done?
  3. Hello, my name is Colten. I am an avid gamer and programmer, I am disabled with scheuermann\'s disease a painful kyphosis of the spine that pinches a lot of nerves. This is my second post, but will be one of many after posting. I decided to create an account to come meet everyone. I will most likely get into making parts and testing many other parts. Hopefully you all will see more of me around . But for now I shall build HUGE wobbly rockets to make Jeb happy!
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