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Everything posted by Sanix25

  1. How exactly did you set your exocore drill to hold up to 3 samples instead of just making it inoperable until reset by a scientist?
  2. I've been putting a lot of thought into making a system for KSP that provides an as realistic as possible Sample Return Capsule system exactly like the ones on the Hayabusa, OSIRIS-REx, Stardust, and Genesis missions, and I need some suggestions about how I'm going to organize the parts, and possibly some help from more experienced modders on how I'm going to get the end result just right. Also, if this is just a bad idea, I need to know before I put in the hours modeling these things. SRC's, if you didn't know, are tiny, flying-saucer shaped devices which are meant to collect a small sample of asteroid rock or solar wind and reenter into the Earth's atmosphere. They contain their own avionics and parachutes, so it will need to be its own probe core. Right now the plan is to have 4 different SRC's, each except one modeled after a real life sample return mission. The first is the SRC from the Genesis mission, which had circular discs called collection wafers inside of it that were meant to be exposed to the solar wind to collect samples and return them to Earth for further study. These collection wafers look a lot like DMagic's solar collector instrument, because that's what DMagic modeled them after. The second is the SRC from the Stardust mission, which is similar to the Genesis SRC except it uses a grid containing aerogel instead of collection wafers. The aerogel was meant to minimize the impact of particles which are traveling faster than high-speed bullets in order to preserve them as much as possible, so this SRC will probably be more expensive, more efficient, and researched later than the collection wafer SRC. The third is an SRC that uses the TAGSAM device on the OSIRIS-REx mission (touch-and-go sample acquisition device). It's a small, short cylinder that's open at one end,and it's meant to blast pieces of rock off of the surface of an asteroid using a jet of pressurized nitrogen gas. The original design has a separate arm that is not inside the SRC itself, which then deposits the head of the TAGSAM inside of the SRC. The fourth is a cheaper, less efficient method to the one above that uses a shorter arm with a smaller drill bit which is contained entirely within the SRC. This does not have a real-life version but I feel like it'd be much less confusing to create an SRC that has the arm already inside of it. So do you guys think it's a good idea? Do you have any suggestions?
  3. The models look really nice, the animations are superb. Just keep in mind that if you want to keep your parts on a low memory footprint, then your areas of focus should be your collision mesh and your texture. The texture on your part could probably be made a little lower-res without anyone noticing, though as long as it isn't above 128x128 - 256x256 you don't need to worry about your texture being too high detail.
  4. I'm making a model for an RTG for a mod for Kerbal Space Program. It's not very complex, but my tris count is through the roof! It's at 64,000 even when my subdivision surface modifier level is 0! It looks decent at subsurf level 2, but it still has 79,000 tris! I need this thing to be at most around 2,000 tris. Here's a screenshot: http://imgur.com/E0fWuAf (subsurf is at level 0 in this pic, it has 67,196 tris and 33,811 faces.) How do I fix this? Is there any way to bring down the polygon count without making it look butt ugly, preferably without starting over, since this is my first blender model and it took me countless headaches and tutorials to get this far?
  5. I just discovered this mod, and I have to say, it's got some of the best internal views I've ever seen! The outside is great too, and the deploy animations are beautiful, but the internal view is absolutely stunning. Does anyone here know what program was used to make it?
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