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Everything posted by Nomial_Control

  1. Hey Just wanted to know, that in the near future, as part of NASA's Orion Mission, they will have to redirect an asteroid around a safe orbit around the moon. If that is possible, we could make an entire satellite/moon out of asteroids. Even though it may take a long time, but I mean, hey, its the future!
  2. Is bigger rockets with lots of fuel and lots of thrust better, or smaller rockets with smaller fuel and smaller thrust Bette?
  3. KERBIN LAND SPEED RECORD Hello and welcome to the thread of, Kerbin Speed record. As an introduction, it is the challenge to have the fastest vessel ever, that runs on land. Mods Allowed The only mods that are allowed is Kerbin Side, which allows you to chose the runway. The restrictions Stock only, jet engines and turbo jets can only be used, if your using R.A.I.P.I.E.R engines you cannot use oxidizer mode. To make sure, show me on the runway, you have to show the fuel tanks with 0 oxidizer. Your vessel cannot go in the air, and you cannot ditch any parts, or be in one piece. YOU MUST USE WHEELS!!!! Challenge Reply Format The format to sum it the guide is listed, You must list all the parts that you have used, also you should use take pics on the way, first, in VAB, next, in the runway, then, at terminal velocity(I know it's hard), then, at the end). It is encouraged to make a video instead. Prizes 200-300ms is 3rd class 301-500ms 2nd class 500-750ms is 1st class. Anything more is Platinum class. Thanks for reading, and I will try to make badges, ask me if. There is any bugs.
  4. The First Flight of Nomial_Control Whith some un-Nomial control Hello and welcome to my first post, and it's going to be about my first flight ever in Ksp. So it was a normal day in version 0.25. When, there was actually good fairings, and beggining of the new KSC. I was in tutorial mode with Wherner Von Braun, it was on basic rocket construction, basically, he told me to attach an SRB with a command pod, and a parachute on top. in addition, I added some wings, which would ultimately affect the mission. So I launched my rocket, pretty simple, once the SRB ran out, I was falling, I saw other people do this, so I tried a gravity turn, suddenly, I wasn't falling anymore, I was FLYING!!!!I think the physics engine broke or something, so I continuously was gaining altitude, the losing it, finally, I decided to just deploy the parachute, though, it never deployed, probably a bug(maybe the kraken). So I crashed into the ground, and killed Jeb.. So my lesson is, NEVER LISTEN TO PEOPLE WITH FUNNY LOOKING MUSTACHES!!!
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