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Everything posted by Spacetraindriver

  1. It's simple. Destroy the KSC with a plane. Rules are basic. No cheating, but I forgot to mention you can't use mods with like nukes. The points are just to test the skill of the community and to rate players. Oh and the KSC does not have to be totally destroyed but the buildings must be classisfied as out of service.
  2. I don't mean to copy "The Kerbal Bomber" this one is totally different. Make a bomber capable of destroying the KSC. I myself have made quite alot of bombers myself and combined with KSC destruction, is amazing. I want to see the comunity's bombers. Rules No cheating No mods with things like nukes The KSC doesn't need to be COMPLETELY destroyed but they must be rendered "out of service" NEEDS proof, or else no points. You can land, "reload" and fly back but will count as ½ a pass. Design points +1 points each turret (fake) +1 point each less bomb +3 points for historical recreation! +2 points for shooting turrets/real stock fully functional Mission points +1 point each less pass +1 point every 1000m +1 point each bomb that hits a building/damage MOD POINTS +1 point for dangers to you ( flak, enemy fighters, etc) +2 points for turrets Stock Leaders Please do challenge! Mod Leaders Please do challenge! I just want to try my hand at challenges.
  3. Well I have learned the reaction wheels problem, the hard way.
  4. probably the problem, though I think my other plane has no clliping.
  5. I had a Concord BREAKING THE SOUND BARRIER WITH gear down, but they stayed put. Same gear as the planes with problems.
  6. I was wondering, WHY THE HECK IT WAS"NT THERE, so thank you.
  7. Ahhh, I have PLENTEY of bombers in my hanger. B-17, B-29, B I forgot, so this would be easy., just which one?
  8. I've been flying some planes over to the Airfield island. When I was approaching I let down my gear. Then they ripped off and the all the parts disconnected. Can someone help me with this? It's only on Mk 3 parts and the gear were the two biggest ones. It happened with my airliner too. I also have a problem with long planes that wiggle they selfs to death. I can't land anymore with a lot of MK 3 planes because of the first problem. f3 says structural linkage failure. Can anyone help me prevent it?
  9. Well at least you guys aren't in a drought unlike me.
  10. Finally I have gotten a forum account. In KSP I like big. I like recreating things in ksp especially trains. I got kip when 0.23 was just released. So yay I'm on the forums.
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