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  1. Is it me, or do the satellite contracts don't work?
  2. GREAT! engines are now powered by elephants! such an advancement in technology
  3. is there a way to add more battery to the command pods? I'm playing regular career and without batteries or solar panels i barely got half way through the orbit and i was already running out of battery. I had to cut my mission way short
  4. I had tried that one, but for some reason it didn't wanted to work. I uninstalled it and installed it again and now it works, thanks
  5. do i need anything to make the mod work with 1.1? it works well with 1.0.5
  6. This is amazing!! I'll download it as soon as I get the chance
  7. I'm not using RSS/RO, but i am using the 6.4K mod. and for the career i just started it, but if things like altitudes are not done correctly for the 6.4K mod then I'll just change the myself.
  8. What community tech tree would you guys recommend for this mod? I've been using the SETI tech tree and I think it works fairly good.
  9. for some reason I can't even reenter from LKO, do i need to mess around with the heating effects by pressing altf+12? I've already used deadly reentry. do i need to use FAR or NEAR for me not to explode during reentry? my apoapsis was about 115K and my periapsis was of 50K, am i entering too steep or what?
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