Here is a picture from my shuttle landed on Minmus next to my outpost to refuel. You can see the fuel line going down and left towards the outpost not more than 100m away. Note a couple things in the picture: Dansy, who is standing on top near the cockpit, has an orange temperature bar overlaid on top of him. Flight Engineer lists Dansy with a critical temp of 517K / 515K (64.63%). Every single kerbal that EVA'd from the shuttle or the outpost exhibited the same problem. The shuttle was carrying 20 kerbals and the outpost had 4 kerbals. This also happen to a kerbal that I was rescuing on the dark side of Kerbin from a low orbit (around 80km). As soon as the kerbal being rescued EVA'd from the MK1 Inline Cockpit his temperature rose to 63%. It doesn't seem to be having any adverse effects. I just thought it was odd since I had never seen a kerbal with a temperature guage until now. The only mod updates I applied recently were Stock Bug Fixes and a Module Manager update a day or two ago.