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Everything posted by shimrod

  1. Hi, I just started with version 1.0 in science mode and I've mostly been treating my rocketry program as a way of funding my (not yet space-)plane designs, and reading about planes I found about FAR, NEAR, and the complaints about the stock aerodynamics. But a lot of those discussions relate to older versions, and I'm not sure which of them and to what degree are relevant for 1.0, so I can't decide whether I want the mods. What I want: intuitive aerodynamics for someone with a casual knowledge of real world aerodynamics: nosecones on rockets reduce drag, sweeping back the wings reduces drag, overlapping wing segments don't add neither (full) lift nor (full) mass, it's better to put the goo canister in the center of the back of the fuselage than off to one side of the nose. Planes that look like the best approximation of real world planes ought to behave like planes (if not necessarily with the exact same performance of the specific plane). What I don't want: to use a calculator or Excel to design my planes or rockets. To use the exact opposite of real world reasoning to optimize my designs: if something works IRL, it doesn't necessarily have to work in the game, but I'd rather it not be actively counterproductive. What's best for me: FAR, NEAR, or stock 1.0?
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