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Everything posted by JackBush

  1. Well I extracted to Game Data. Now how do I operate the thing? Or make it work in-game? It didn't happen automatically, so I have no idea what to do next.
  2. Looks great and I downloaded it to my desktop. Now, can you tell me where to extract the files to? I know it's Steam>/steam apps/common/Kerbal Space Program ... but where do I put them once I'm there? Appreciate your help.
  3. Unfortunately I get a 404 when I go to either of the dropbox links.
  4. Thanks to all of you for your various links and suggestions. I really love this game and realise that it is completely unlike any I've played before. Consequently, I'm taking my time and trying not to rush here and there. I'm an older guy (79) and have forgotten every physics fact I might ever have had in my head, and hence the need for simple 1,2,3 step methods. I'm grateful for this forum and the patient and generous people who respond. Thanks again.
  5. I'm trying to gain a better understanding of apoapsis and periapsis and how to adjust orbits. I found this in the wiki but it's way too technical for someone like me, used to playing Assassin's Creed and Grand Theft Auto. Is there an easier discussion somewhere?
  6. This looks great, Vanamonde. Do you mind listing the parts that make up the ship you're showing here? Thanks.
  7. Would someone mind pointing me to a clear explanation of the Navball, please. Thanks in advance.
  8. Thanks everyone. Now I just have to learn how to build one and fly it. But that's the fun, isn't it?
  9. When Steam offered me 33% off because KSP was in my Wish List, I couldn't resist. And now I have the full 1.04 version. Excited!
  10. Thanks folks; appreciate the guidance. Thanks especially Streetwind for the very specific help--exactly what I was hoping for. It's also good to get your readout on what the Demo version "lacks" and, perhaps, why I'm having such great failures. Looking forward to learning from what you've provided me.
  11. I keep reading that the best kind of ship to build (at least for a total beginner such as myself) is a simple one. "Keep it simple." I read over and over again. But what constitutes "simple". Would someone mind describing that for me? Thanks so much. (I'm in the demo version.)
  12. What altitude must a ship reach to orbit Kerbin?
  13. Thanks Starhawk, but in the tutorial, the ship is already built and on the launch pad. I had nothing to do with its staging.
  14. In the Demo version, I'm working on the Flight Controls tutorial and when Werner tells me to press Space to launch, I do and the little ship blasts up for a second and then goes into a spin, the parachute pops out and it drifts gently back down. I have done it over and over again, trying to use the controls he taught me and even doing nothing. It's identical every time. What am I doing wrong?
  15. You're brilliant, Starhawk! Thanks a lot.
  16. Sagrada Familia in Barcelona. Saw it and walked through it about 6 weeks ago. Wonderful building.
  17. Is this possible? I've tried "enable" and "disable" several times but the game fills only part of the screen. Just makes it harder to see everything.
  18. Thanks everyone. I don't intend to install mods. I will simply take whatever Steam gives me.
  19. Ah, so the game only comes as 32 bit?
  20. I just read this in a Google search, dated May 2014: "Beware that the 64 bit Windows version of KSP is said to have quite a lot of bugs that aren't there with the 32bit version. Also, beware that many mods will not run with the 64bit Windows version, as modders don't see any reason to code around bugs in 64bit KSP." Is any of that true?
  21. Love the flag but you might re-spell "you're" (you are) to "your". Make it perfect.
  22. That's good to know. Thanks! - - - Updated - - - Thanks everyone. Very helpful. - - - Updated - - - "Wheat". Yes, sorry about the mis-type. I pride myself on my accurazy.
  23. When you first began KSP what gave you the most difficulty?
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