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Everything posted by raniE

  1. Sure, makes sense.Otherwise you'd need two parts I guess, one retropack and a small decoupler for it.
  2. Sounds great. Your mod was actually one I looked at when looking for this, and it seem to have a low part count too. Only thing I'm wondering about there is about Tantares and the number of parts it has. Plus whether it is a bit too replica for my current wants and needs. On the other hand, I do like the Soviet designs, so stockalike versions of those would probably be good. Oh, and does your mod and Tantares play well with the community tech tree, and the SETI version of that?
  3. Hmm, interesting. Reading up on it, it seems this mainly changes current stock parts. What is the retro pack/small SRB it adds? And how intrusive are the changes to stock parts, especially if I'm already running with a bunch of other parts packs? Hmm, like I mentioned I was looking for something other than FASA, as that is the only one I've found so far. I'm not super keen on adding a bunch of parts I'm not going to be using (I'm not too into using actual replica bits unless I have too, at least for now). I'm not at this point interested in going for procedural parts and tweakscale and similar, although I may well be in the future. Still, thanks for the suggestion.
  4. Hi! I've been searching for a mod apart from direct ports of real life vessels, like FASA, that includes really small solid rocket engines, something like the Mercury retro pack, that can be placed just behind the heat shield of a mark 1 capsule. Preferably something available through CKAN. I haven't found any yet, but hey, at least it got me to register on the forum. I also don't want to use tweakscale or anything similar at the moment. Anyone know of any addons with something like this?
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