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    Bottle Rocketeer
  1. Hi Anyone know the name of the mod that is inculed in this picture, the only refence i can find for it is CK 0.82?
  2. Thinking of trying my hand at a Science part mod, any small/medium sized experiments you would like to see?
  3. HI all This is my first post on the Forms. I've been playing around with VTOL crafts. and i downloaded one and changed it to suit my needs. now it takes off fine. but i want to be able to change to my Horizontal jets once in the air. now. when both vertical and Horizontal jets are going. that is fine. the problem is when i turn off the vertical jets, then i just drops like a stone. Is there anything to stop it happening? Many Thanks.
  4. I think I speak for the kerbals here, could we have a craft file pls
  5. Can you use a dropbox or google drive link pls, medifire isnt working
  6. Can you Make a 100% stock version of the dropship and the rover dropship variant as the mod that uses the part in it doesn't exists any more or i cant find it. as other wise i can only get the rover to work with the current version. many thanks.
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