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Everything posted by Kerbish

  1. Hi Thomas, Just want to say thanks for making such a great plugin. I came by today to find 1.2 because KSP just isn't the same without Kopernicus and the various planet mods that are possible because of it. I read your description about how much you enjoyed making it and the comment about people not really donating. While it's great that you do it for the love of it and not for money, I signed up with Patreon for $2/month anyway. It's not much, but imagine if everyone who used your plugin gave even just $1/month, it would be a nice way for people to say thanks for adding so much to a game we all love. I only post here in the hopes of encouraging others to give even a little bit as a way for our community to give back a little to those who have given us so much. So on behalf of myself and the other Patreon's currently totaling your $9/month - enjoy your free Starbucks this month on us! At least it's a little something to say thanks!
  2. I had to take a month off of KSP, and just fired up the game again and immediately missed this mod. So I came to check this thread to see if there were any updates.. and I see @TriggerAu just posted a few hours ago that he'll be working on this weekend - lucky timing for me! Just posting here to say THANKS! to Trigger for such an awesome mod, the game is really just not the same without it. Very much looking forward to an update, and if you have a PayPal or something that I can donate to for your pizza/beer/coffee fund for the weekend, please let me know - I'd be happy to help out as a small way of saying thanks for such a wonderful plugin!
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