You'll need to create a new .cfg (configuration file) and place it in the Remotetech folder, like the one I posted above. It should be a cut and paste job. Use a plain text file (in Windows use Wordpad or Notepad) or copy an existing .cfg to the desktop and use it as a template. The all you need to do is change the name of the part. This needs to be the name INSIDE the part .cfg file, not the common part name or file name. Make sure you change the file name (something descriptive referencing the mod it works with), attribution, and remove all the old probes when you are done. Then copy and paste the new file it back into RemoteTech folder. The important lines are these: @PART[probeCoreSphere]:FOR[RemoteTech] { %MODULE[ModuleSPU] { } %MODULE[ModuleRTAntennaPassive] { %TechRequired = unmannedTech %OmniRange = 3000 %TRANSMITTER { %PacketInterval = 0.3 %PacketSize = 2 %PacketResourceCost = 15.0 } } } If you want to create a Remote Command capable probe core, you need to use slightly different code e.g. the 2.5m Stock stack probe: @PART[probeStackLarge]:FOR[RemoteTech] { %MODULE[ModuleSPU] { %IsRTCommandStation = true %RTCommandMinCrew = 6 } %MODULE[ModuleRTAntennaPassive] { %TechRequired = unmannedTech %OmniRange = 3000 %TRANSMITTER { %PacketInterval = 0.3 %PacketSize = 2 %PacketResourceCost = 15.0 } } } Both examples are from Cilph's stock probe .cfg, which I used to create the one I made.