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Everything posted by KombatWombat

  1. You've done a fabulous job with these. I agree the stock progression is rigid and this makes the communication design a lot more subtle and interesting, instead of simply pumping the largest antennas you can afford into convenient relay orbits. Thanks for all the hard work.
  2. Hi, I'm trying to understand the reflector antenna concept. I feel like I'm missing something fundamental here. The idea as I understand it is that I can use a reflector to boost a transmitter or relay antenna. The bonus is strictly added to the base range, without any other modification except the percent modifier "Feed Effectiveness". Is that correct? The reason I ask is that I'm trying to understand what circumstances the parts should be used in. For instance, an RL-100 relay gets me 100Gm of base range at a mass cost of 650kg. An RFL-100 reflector plus an FRA relay gets me the same range at a mass cost of 709kg, but with 30 lower power consumption. Did I do my math more or less correctly there? Of course the collapsible reflectors allow for more flexibility in spacecraft design. I'm just wondering how other people are using these complex parts.
  3. I've suddenly run into the same problem (on Windows) and am about to attempt editing my save file to fix it, based on tutorial show here (by Claw). Will update with results shortly. [h=1]Thread: FIX: DOck / Undocking Bug[/h][h=1][/h]Update: I tried this but only succeeded in turning the decouple button back on. I haven't been able to figure out the part number required to determine where the docking port is attached (see the above link for a description of how this works). Now I get a nullref exception spamming in the debug. Not sure if it was there before though. I'll probably keep trying. If anyone knows how to find part numbers (I heard KER might be able to do this?) please let me know. P.S. Stock Plus fixes some bugs and allows you to rename your docking ports, which is really helpful when you need to find them in the save file! Phoenix Industries: Stock Bug Fix Modules & StockPlus (KSP v1.0.4 Compatible)
  4. You'll need to create a new .cfg (configuration file) and place it in the Remotetech folder, like the one I posted above. It should be a cut and paste job. Use a plain text file (in Windows use Wordpad or Notepad) or copy an existing .cfg to the desktop and use it as a template. The all you need to do is change the name of the part. This needs to be the name INSIDE the part .cfg file, not the common part name or file name. Make sure you change the file name (something descriptive referencing the mod it works with), attribution, and remove all the old probes when you are done. Then copy and paste the new file it back into RemoteTech folder. The important lines are these: @PART[probeCoreSphere]:FOR[RemoteTech] { %MODULE[ModuleSPU] { } %MODULE[ModuleRTAntennaPassive] { %TechRequired = unmannedTech %OmniRange = 3000 %TRANSMITTER { %PacketInterval = 0.3 %PacketSize = 2 %PacketResourceCost = 15.0 } } } If you want to create a Remote Command capable probe core, you need to use slightly different code e.g. the 2.5m Stock stack probe: @PART[probeStackLarge]:FOR[RemoteTech] { %MODULE[ModuleSPU] { %IsRTCommandStation = true %RTCommandMinCrew = 6 } %MODULE[ModuleRTAntennaPassive] { %TechRequired = unmannedTech %OmniRange = 3000 %TRANSMITTER { %PacketInterval = 0.3 %PacketSize = 2 %PacketResourceCost = 15.0 } } } Both examples are from Cilph's stock probe .cfg, which I used to create the one I made.
  5. I created a .cfg file for the new RLA Stockalike V13 probes. Not sure where to put it so I'll like here for now. If I should put it somewhere else let me know (I guess I could check it into github if the boss wants me to) https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/9490187/RemoteTech_RLA_Probes.cfg I've tested it and it seems to work just fine. Let me know if you have any problems with it.
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