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Everything posted by Johnny005611

  1. Hello mister. I've made some missile samples that I want to add to the game using BDArmory. But when I find out it is an awful trial. The missile wont act normal. I'm using the same cfg file from AIM-120 but it turns out my missiles dont have the some results. 1.They dont have CRUISE thrust but only BOOST thrust. 2.Since I'm using Verticle Launch System to launch my missiles Its guide mode seems not right(I'm using aam mode/radar guidance) 3. How can I made my own missile in the UNITY? What else should I be awered? In my UNITY I only have the missile itself and a Object as the thrusttransform. Thank you very much and Happy new year!
  2. Thank you very much! I've solved the problems perfectly by following your instruction! Again thanks very much!
  3. Am I get it right step 1:ZIP 2.0.12 to GameData step 2:copy rework 1.1.2 to the file menu step 3:copy 1.0.3 to the file menu and I still get "crash"....
  4. @Ziw Do you have any idea why my game always CRASH when I use this mod? I'm using IR2.0.1 and everytime I copy the REWORK file to the game, it crashes..... How can I use this mod in game version 1.3.0? THX
  5. sorry guys,I just cant open DropBox.com, can anybody send me an E-mail of this mod(latest version),thx 642370072@qq.com
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