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Everything posted by leomike

  1. Shielding can only be put on crew compartments so your cargo bay or structural fuselage couldn't be shielding (with the current implementation) @ShotgunNinja can confirm but I think adding this would be a lot of work for relatively little gain. Also the majority of cosmic radiation comes from all directions, so making it come from a precise source doesn't actually make much sense.
  2. You need to enable them per craft. Just click the Kerbalism button and click a vessel name, it should offer you the option in there.
  3. You can take a look under GameData/Kerbalism/Patches/Malfunction.cfg, it shows how malfunctions are applied. It should just be a matter of changing the lifespan for particular parts, but I believe @ShotgunNinja has talked about moving this to a global setting so it might not work with future versions. I'd be very interested in this but I don't think it's currently possible to make malfunctions change characteristics other than the default one. For engines this is overheating.
  4. It should work with any part pack provided they use the default modules.
  5. @ShotgunNinja Regarding radiation, I think the planner interface could be made a little more clear. I find it confusing how even for landed at Kerbin I still see a 250 days lifespan. Maybe just put a little note saying the selected location is inside the magnetosphere? Also, I mentioned in a previous post (which appears to have gone unnoticed as it was awaiting moderator approval for a little while), it would be great if antennas were disabled when they are not extended. Maybe adding very short range antennas to probes to allow for takeoff or have an unbreakable antenna similar to RemoteTech. Thanks for this awesome mod!
  6. I don't know what the travel time is to Jupiter but with full shielding you should survive 5200 days (Kerbin days that is), based on the delta-v map I use that is enough for at least two one way transfer to Eeloo. Otherwise you can edit the config files to make the cosmic radiation lower or make shielding more effective. I believe both are in settings.cfg.
  7. If you are using 24 hour days, you would have about 66 days before you get the first warning (50% of max rad). 50% * 30rad / 0.0000055555rad/s / (6 / 12 * 0.95) = 5,684,267s = 65.8 day Remember that the half the shielding only (roughly) doubles your lifespan, whereas full shielding increases it 20 folds. Edit: Also, if at any point your orbit stayed a little too long in the belt it can quickly affect these values, each minute corresponding to over 16 hours of cosmic radiation.
  8. I may be be wrong but I believe Duna doesn't have a magnetosphere nor does Mars in real life, so it may not have with Kerbalism as well?
  9. This sounds similar to KeepFit, but it would be nice if a similar feature was integrated to Kerbalism.
  10. You can create a .cfg file and put the following to make the data collectable. Personally that's what I did. @PART[GeigerCounter]:FINAL { @MODULE[ModuleScienceExperiment] { %dataIsCollectable = True %collectActionName = Take Data } } @ShotgunNinja Awesome mod. One small thing I would like to see is a way to toggle antennas which could be linked to deployment (it doesn't make sense that we can use undeployed antennas). This would require a new antenna similar to RemoteTech that isn't subject to breaking or give a minimum range to probe cores.
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