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Everything posted by michal.don

  1. Well, it's not much, but it's my first "share-able" base - mining and fuel refining colony located at Minimus flats. Put together on the site by two small moving rovers (you can see them attached to the monopropellant tanks on the left). Next step is building a refueling station in high Kerbin orbit, and a tanker capable of delivering fuel there. And maybe a lab or more living quarters, who knows. What do you think? http://imgur.com/yonBv1h
  2. Ok, thanks for your advise, I'll see what I can do michal.don
  3. Ok, I'm starting to accept that I won't do it all in one go But I don't really know in which ways the planes should be different for each of those missions. More/less wings? Thrust?
  4. Well, that's some bad news.... I figured out the oxygen thing, it should be covered by RAPIERs in closed cycle mode. But I would like to solve it without the hyperedit mod, I just don't like the idea of "cheating" this way.... Anyway, thanks for your advice, michal.don
  5. Hi guys, I started trying various designs of spaceplanes and SSTOs recently, and became quite comfortable with my ability to get something to LKO and something else back to the spacecentre in one flight. The next logical step is building a plane capable of refueling and going to other planets. However, I have no idea how planes behave in other environments - Duna has lower gravity, but very thin atmosphere, which I suppose will make flying much more difficult, and Eve the other way around - lots of gravity, but a thick atmosphere which could produce much more lift. What is your experience? Does the design have to be much different, and if so, how? More/less fuel to get to orbit, more/less wings needed to fly and land, more/less thrust to takeoff? Thanks, michal.don
  6. Thanks for the offer, but the thing is that I'm pretty much capable to build a ship that gets me where I want to go (it's not that far usually, I'm still a beginner), but unlike the ones displayed on the forum here, mine are much worse looking But if I stumble across a problem I'm not able to solve, I'll ask here, thanks
  7. Hi guys, I've been playing KSP for several weeks now, and discovered this forum last week. Since then I've been looking especially at the crafts and bases you guys built and the challenges section. So I decided to join and maybe try some of the challenges, and maybe share some of my desingns (if I manage to build something worth sharing reeeeealy far in the future ). Until then, looking forward to seeing your designs and hearing about your space adventures, Michal.don
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