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Everything posted by KingSchultz

  1. I seem to have a problem with the water spawn module: whenever I try to spawn, even with maximum time, the vehicle just seems to switch back to base and explode. Can I do anything against that?
  2. I still can`t explain why it didn`t work (the wings weren`t rotated, I tried to attach the flaps on the edge etc.) but somehow it is a craft problem. I built 5 designs and it worked on 3 of them. I don`t know why but it somehow is just a rare problem. Thank you for your help though
  3. Yes, that of course works. It makes it difficult to line the two parts up perfectly though, which was easy when it worked (it did about 2 weeks ago) in the snap-to mode. I am just curious why it wouldn`t work anymore... Thank you for the answer though
  4. I am encountering the following problem whith Procedural Wings: when trying to stick a control surface on a wing, it somehow always is displayed in a weird angle, so even with turning it as precisely as possible it doesn`t really fit to the wing. Can anybody help?
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