This was a hard one to watch. Some constructive feedback I guess, from watching the recorded version, and not the live version...
Please don't edit the video, let it play like it happened live. It is very disjointed.
I watch to hear about the game development, and not just watch rockets flip into space. Please talk about the game progress a bit more. You had three people on the cast, and all we know is that maybe we are on Unity 5.3, but only if mystery voice #2 'read it correctly'.
Dr. Turkey, we will connect with you much more as a community if we know what you look like, and can see that you are a real person, with real feelings that can be hurt when we say mean things. It also helps us not to say mean things.
finally, Squadcast should not be an afterthought. It really felt like that with this one. Please take some time to fix the overlay prior to stream, and have your ducks in a row, as if this was a status meeting in the office, with your colleagues. We are spending our time with you, and not to just watch you play the game. I appreciate what a Producer does in the world of software development, maybe there needs to be a true PR person as well, who can spend a bit more time with the public?