Here's a picture of what happens As you can see, i'm pitching up all the way and it's barely lifting. The wings control surfaces don't even move either. The RCS and the reaction wheels are doing most of the work there. And, if i right click the wing, it only shows options for the fuel tank inside it. While the body seems to be somewhat producing lift, in the editor the lift vector doesn't appear anywhere, unless i put some stock wings there The wings don't produce any lift, as proven by the reentry which made me bump into this issue the craft was absolutely unstable at high speeds, as if it had no wings, but thankfully i was able to land on body lift and reaction wheels alone. Here's the output log, i put it on dropbox because it's unmanageably huge: And my installed mods: All installed through CKAN, except for B9 aerospace which is still in development and thermal nuclear from Eskandare