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    Bottle Rocketeer

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  1. Most of mine are called "Untitled Space Craft"...
  2. Do you have fuel crossfeed disabled on a part somewhere between the tank and the engine?
  3. Yes, after I changed the contract persistentID to match the vessel, then I was able to complete the contract.
  4. Looks like you are experiencing the same issues as I have. You can read more about it Here and here for a work-around that will get you through (if you don't mind editing your save file). Otherwise, if you're satisfied you have finished the contract then use the "alt-f12" menu to cheat-complete it.
  5. I've had a similar problem on my last two "attach a part" contracts. After giving up and cancelling the first contract, on the second time I decided to go digging and see what I could find. Here is the satellite in question, with the 1x6 panel already attached but the mission not complete, and the mission itself (note, the mission does not display the name of the target spacecraft). I went digging into the persistent.sfs and found the contract: CONTRACT { guid = a55a3d20-d824-431d-8ff1-14a3f6c335cb type = OrbitalConstructionContract prestige = 0 seed = 1430119283 state = Active viewed = Read agent = Dinkelstein Kerman's Construction Emporium agentName = Dinkelstein Kerman's Construction Emporium deadlineType = Floating expiryType = Floating values = 129600,18403200,32959.9990844727,108149.992084503,34607.9974670411,0,1.804179,0.9756098,18490730.4161536,18405943.3255453,36809143.3255453,0 bodyName = Kerbin constructionCraftDef = E:/Kerbal Space Program/KSP_x64_Data/../GameData/Squad/Contracts/PreBuiltCraft/OrbitalConstructionContract/Unfinished Contract Sat 8.craft constructionVslId = 2055096434 constructionPartName = solarPanels4 orbitEccentricity = 0.05000000074505806 orbitAltitudeFactor = 0.33000001311302185 orbitInclinationFactor = 0.25 vesselName = Aging Kerbin CMM Satellite 3-L5 PARAM { name = CrewTraitParameter state = Complete disableOnStateChange = False values = 0,0,0,0,0 targetTrait = Engineer targetCount = 1 vesselDescription = Active Vessel } PARAM { name = ConstructionParameter state = Incomplete values = 0,0,0,0,0 bodyName = Kerbin partName = solarPanels4 vesselPersistentId = 2055096434 } } Note the vessel name, "Aging Kerbin CMM Satellite 3-L5", which matches the satellite I have attached the panel to, and also the second contract parameter, which gives a vessel persistent ID of 2055096434. This persistent ID does not exist for any vessel within my save file. I also found the vessel "Aging Kerbin CMM Satellite 3-L5" within the save file (only the first 3 lines are relevent): VESSEL { pid = b224b097693c4903a4ed22dc5f95e4a7 persistentId = 197701767 name = Aging Kerbin CMM Satellite 3-L5 Note the persistent ID is different to the contract. I decided to have a play with the file and changed the persistent ID in the contract to match the actual vessel ID. Following this, the mission now shows the vessel name in the contract parameters, and the mission can now be completed. Seems there may be some sort of bug at play, but since mine is a modded install, it could also be interference from a mod I guess? Is your install modded? I'll make a separate post in the tech support forum with what I have found.
  6. I'm not sure if this is a bug, or a mod issue, or something I've done, but I've had a problem on my last two "attach a part" contracts. After giving up and cancelling the first contract, on the second time I decided to go digging and see what I could find. Here is the satellite in question, with the 1x6 panel already attached but the mission not complete, and the mission itself (note, the mission does not display the name of the target spacecraft). I went digging into the persistent.sfs and found the contract: CONTRACT { guid = a55a3d20-d824-431d-8ff1-14a3f6c335cb type = OrbitalConstructionContract prestige = 0 seed = 1430119283 state = Active viewed = Read agent = Dinkelstein Kerman's Construction Emporium agentName = Dinkelstein Kerman's Construction Emporium deadlineType = Floating expiryType = Floating values = 129600,18403200,32959.9990844727,108149.992084503,34607.9974670411,0,1.804179,0.9756098,18490730.4161536,18405943.3255453,36809143.3255453,0 bodyName = Kerbin constructionCraftDef = E:/Kerbal Space Program/KSP_x64_Data/../GameData/Squad/Contracts/PreBuiltCraft/OrbitalConstructionContract/Unfinished Contract Sat 8.craft constructionVslId = 2055096434 constructionPartName = solarPanels4 orbitEccentricity = 0.05000000074505806 orbitAltitudeFactor = 0.33000001311302185 orbitInclinationFactor = 0.25 vesselName = Aging Kerbin CMM Satellite 3-L5 PARAM { name = CrewTraitParameter state = Complete disableOnStateChange = False values = 0,0,0,0,0 targetTrait = Engineer targetCount = 1 vesselDescription = Active Vessel } PARAM { name = ConstructionParameter state = Incomplete values = 0,0,0,0,0 bodyName = Kerbin partName = solarPanels4 vesselPersistentId = 2055096434 } } Note the vessel name, "Aging Kerbin CMM Satellite 3-L5", which matches the satellite I have attached the panel to, and also the second contract parameter, which gives a vessel persistent ID of 2055096434. This persistent ID does not exist for any vessel within my save file. I also found the vessel "Aging Kerbin CMM Satellite 3-L5" within the save file (only the first 3 lines are relevent): VESSEL { pid = b224b097693c4903a4ed22dc5f95e4a7 persistentId = 197701767 name = Aging Kerbin CMM Satellite 3-L5 Note the persistent ID is different to the contract. I decided to have a play with the file and changed the persistent ID in the contract to match the actual vessel ID. Following this, the mission now shows the vessel name in the contract parameters, and the mission can now be completed. Here is my list of mods (Version 1.11.1 with Making History 1.11.1 and Breaking Ground 1.6.1):
  7. Yay! The system works! Cheers guys, looking forward to breaking some new ground!
  8. I'm trying to purchase the Breaking Ground expansion direct download from the KSP store. Once I have logged in and selected the expansion to purchase, I am redirected to the payment page, which appears to be broken. I am met with a whole load of empty fields to enter my address and payment details etc, but not one single prompt to enlighten me as to which data goes in which field. I've tried a few combinations without any success. Is something going on with the store? Has anyone had a similar issue? I am very keen to install the expansion before starting a new game tomorrow...
  9. Well, after Jeb got back to the Astronaut Complex and showed everyone his holiday snaps... Well, they all wanted to go. So:
  10. I built this little STOL jet for this challenge - it was a good bit of fun! Jeb enjoyed his sightseeing tour... Now I'm working on another, slightly different submission for this challenge...
  11. Put a ScanSat into orbit and did a scan, and then took Jeb sightseeing/anomaly hunting! Caution! Spoliers!
  12. Any pictures? Sounds to me like you need a vertical stabilizer (tail fin) for directional stability.
  13. After many failed attempts (most of which were perfect right up until the point I tried to land ), here is my entry for Velocity Circumnavigator. Actually much easier than I thought (apart from the landing bit, obviously... )
  14. Sorry, my first reply was brief due to being on my mobile, not in front of my PC, but it seems Red Iron Crown has you covered. One big thing to be aware of is that the controls are relative to the part which the vessel is currently being controlled from. If this is at the nose of the vessel and oriented in the same way as the command module, then pandaman's advice is absolutely correct. If you are attempting to use a radial docking port or otherwise unusual location, then it may not be so simple. I personally like using locked camera mode as I can then watch the vessel as I am docking rather than the nav ball (which I personally find not to be the greatest tool when trying to dock), and it behaves exactly as expected, although visual cues on the vessel itself are a great idea which I must admit I never thought of myself. However, I would again suggest checking out the docking port alignment indicator mod. It really does make docking so much easier than using just the nav ball.
  15. Hit the V key until the camera mode is "locked". Now the movement of fhe ship will be in the direction you expect whilst looking at it from directly behind. Also, get the docking port alignment indicator mod. It makes docking so easy.
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