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Everything posted by Ocrock

  1. Glad my post could help some of you! And thanks @linuxgurugamer for getting the fix quickly!
  2. Hey Linuxgurugamer, was told I should contact you on the forums to inform you of an error I found today, and someone else ran into shortly afterwards. I was having problems where I could not actually add anything to build in RO+RP1. I could simulate, add the building plan, but nothing would ever actually start building. Hitting "build" or "launch" did nothing, but did produce this in the console: Found this error, looked in my game directory, and there was nothing related to SpaceTux so, found the github at https://github.com/linuxgurugamer/SpaceTuxLibrary/releases and manually added to my gamedata relaunched game, and now KCT is working and I can add to build. Wanted to post my solution in-case it helps anyone else, or if there is a current issue with the CKAN installation/setup that is skipping SpaceTuxLibrary (i did a complete fresh install following the instructions today, perhaps I missed something in there that discussed this, or may need to be added?)
  3. Like mentioned by others, check to make sure you have connection to the rocket. Also, make sure the electric charge has not run out on your avionics.
  4. What cockpit are you using when doing these tests? Also, are you adding any avionics to the aerobee boosters? Lastly, what type of batteries are you using? Just the cockpit power, or additional batteries?
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